36. A Legend

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Chapter Thirty Six: "A Legend"

"He hasn't been out of his room in a week. I'm worried about him." Nathan grumbles as we stand outside of Noah's bedroom door.

"How has he been eating and peeing?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"He has a mini fridge filled with food and a bathroom that connects to his room. I think he's doing ok in that area." Nathan replies with a shrug.

I knock on the door of Noah's room. "Noah, you can't stay in there forever!" I tell him.

No response.

"His funeral is tonight, you need to speak at it." I then add.

No response.

"Noah I have chicken wings." Nathan states.

"What do you want?" A puffy eyed, tear stained face, Noah pops his head out of the door.

"I want you to come out of your room." Nathan sighs.

"You don't have chicken wings, do you?" Noah deadpans as he rolls his eyes.

"We don't but they'll have them at Olivers funeral." I inform him. Noah's jaw clenched at the name and he bites the inside of his cheek to prevent from crying again.

"Don't say that name." Noah demands, collecting himself together again.

"You're coming to his funeral Noah." Nathan bites his lower lip as he looks down at his feet.

"I refuse." Noah glares at us with his red eyes.

"Oliver would of wanted you to co-" I began but Noah cut me off.

"Stop it!" Noah cried, tears falling down his cheek. "How are you two okay with this?!"

"Okay with what?" I asked him in confusion.

"With him being dead! You two are acting like everything is normal! It isn't! Everything is horrible without him!" Noah screamed before retreating back into his room and slamming the door.

"Noah, we do care. We were devastated when we heard the news. But we are trying to move past it and forget him, okay?!" I shouted to him through the door.

No response.

"Please just come to the funeral. He needs you there." I whispered but I knew he heard me. I knew he was leaning against the door crying.

"I'll c-come." Noah spoke in a rasped voice.

"Thank you." I sigh before leaving to get ready for the funeral.

"I don't want to be here." Noah states bluntly.

"Why?" Nathan's voice popped out of nowhere. I looked over to see Nathan coming into view, biting into a cookie.

"Cause it's all old people that he didn't even know." Noah mumbles. "Plus there is no chicken wings like you guys promised."

"That's the Noah I know and love." I gave him a grin as he returns a small smirk.

"Wait you love me?!" Noah's smirk turns into wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

"As a friend of course." I add with a small laugh.

"I am so nervous for the speech." Noah sighs, his face dropping.

"Yeah..." I mutter.

"And before the burial we will have a speech from Noah James." A woman announces over the micro phone up on the stand.

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