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Today was the night that I was meeting Alex's dad and I was a extremely nervous. "What if he doesn't like me?" You asked worried. "He is going to love you just as much as I do." He says kissing your forehead. You walk up to Alex's front door and take a deep breath as he opens the door. "Dad y/n is here!" He yelled. A few seconds later his dad appeared in the room. "Hello y/n." He said extending his arm. "Hello Mr. Standall it's nice to meet you." You said shaking his hand. "Why don't we eat." He says making his way to the kitchen. Alex follows him and you follow Alex. Alex pulls out a chair for you and you sit down scooting it closer to the table. Once you got your meal prepared you all began eating and making small talk. Alex's hand was on your thigh his thumb rubbing small circles. He made you feel a little less nervous, until his hand started moving up and up. You gave him a 'im gonna kill you look. You moved in your chair little and cleared your throat. "So y/n are you playing any sports this year?" Alex's dad asked. When he said this Alex slipped his hand in your underwear and began massaging your clit. You bit your lips trying not to moan. "Umm volleyball...." you said looking at Alex who had a smirk on his face. You rolled your eyes and tried to move his hand but it didn't budge. "Oh a volleyball player huh? Are you good?" Alex then inserted one finger into you and you jumped in your seat. "Oo-I would say so... but I don't wanna sound conceited." Your voice said shakily. Alex's dad just laughed. You put your head in your hands with your elbows on the table as Alex continued to finger you. "Are you okay
Y/n?" His dad asks. "Yeah
y/n are you okay?" Alex repeated innocently. You gave him a hateful look. "I'm okay I just... don't feel very good." You say and Alex removed his hands from you. "Sorry dad but I think we should cut this meal short." He turns to you, "I think you should go home and rest." He says smirking. "Yeah I think that would be best... sorry Mr. Standall." You day standing up from your chair. "No problem, I hope you start feeling better soon." He says standing up as well. "I'll walk you out." Alex says standing up and walking towards the door. You both walk outside. Once the door shuts you yell, "why the hell would you do that?!" He laughs. "It was fun.." he says kissing your lips. "What if your dad found out! You know how embarrassing that would have b-" "but he didn't find out so it's okay." He says pulling you into a hug. "And I never knew my girl could be so polite. You slap his arm jokingly. "Shut up." You say. And he laughs. "Well I better go... I'll see you tomorrow right?" "Yeah I'll see you tomorrow." He says kissing your lips. You kiss back, once you pull away his dad opens the door. "Oh y/n your still here..." "I was just leaving... bye Alex I'll see you later!" You say walking off his porch and into your car.

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