Sneaking out is one thing.

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Chapter 4: Sneaking out is one thing

Finally the end of Friday arrived and I was ready to go home. Today wasn't as bad. Since we had the even classes yesterday we had odd today. Rumors still went around saying I was Eren's toy or whatever and that worried the girls but I assured them there was nothing between us and I hated his guts. Besides that whole thing and Eren's somewhat charming flirting today went by pretty well.

I had got to Levi's apartment and immediately knew they were home.

Clothes laid splattered all over the floor and I knew he wouldn't leave a mess so I only assumed...

But I didn't need to assume with Petra's loud screams.

I would pick the clothes up but I didn't want to be more scarred so I went straight to my room.

I turned the TV on and inserted the earbuds in my ears to block out all the noise.

Today was Petra's last day spending the night before she went back to stay with her dad.

While listening to music and finishing up the last of my homework for the weekend I had got a text surprisingly from Krista.

You going to that party tomorrow? ~ Krist.

I was totally oblivious as to what she was talking about​. What party?


It didn't take long for her to reply.

The one happening tomorrow, hosted by Annie Leonhardt. You not going? ~Krist.

Oh that party. The one I never heard of till now.

Idk if I want to go. I'm not a party person and its such late notice I dont even have an outfit to wear and I planned on sleeping. ~Mikasa

Pleaseeeee come!!!!~ Krist.

I groaned in frustration. It all really depended on my uncle since I was under his protection now.

Fine I'll see bout it. Ttyl ~Mikasa.

I turned my phone off to continue the music.

Until those two finished killing each other I would be slowly drifting off to sleep while listening to music.

Hopefully by the time I wake up dinner is ready and it doesn't smell all sweaty.


The sun shun through my curtains and blinded me to death. I made a low hissing sound like I was a vampire and wiped my eyes unintentionally getting rid of the tiredness.

I let out a big yawn and stretched, popping my joints.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I washed my face right after to assure myself I was up.

I descended down the stairs and met my shirtless uncle who seemed to be cooking breakfast.

"Where's Petra?" I asked looking around.

"She left" he said plainly. "You two seemed to have had fun last night but its okay I wasn't listening" I quickly told.

He shrugs before saying "it's alright, anyway ready for breakfast?".

I nodded and he fixes my plate of homemade pancakes, eggs, grits and sausages.

I sat on the couch and he hands me my plate before taking a seat next to me before turning the TV on to the news.

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