Don't tell me goodbye

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Chapter 24: Don't Tell Me Goodbye

Eren's POV

"Mikasa..." I continued sobbing. I cried for ten minutes straight. I was in a lot of pain. How could I give her the best time of her life and she repays me by leaving me without saying a word? It hurt worse knowing she didn't bother saying "I love you" or "goodbye". This hurt like hell and finally I understood the pain I put her through when we were little.

"Love is nothing but a cruel disease you catch when you see the person you love. You either live happily or die alone miserablely" I thought.

I opened my phone. 1:38. Dammit. The others are probably worried about me.

I wiped the dried up tears from my face and opened my phone. I went to go call Annie.

"Was this all just for nothing" I say aloud as I waited for her to pick up.

I covered my exposed ear so I would be able to hear Annie when she answered.

I didn't want to break the news. She was going to hurt me for not seeing Eren and I would feel bad for making everyone come for nothing.

Maybe this is how things were suppose to be in the end.

She's always leaving me no matter what. That was to much for me to bare.

"Eren?" I almost dropped the phone at the sound of my name. Only thing was that it wasn't coming from the phone.

I looked in front of me and my eyes widen when I saw Mikasa strolling herself in her wheelchair.

"M-Mikasa..." I trailed. She seemed to be getting better. She had a big smile plastered on her face with tears seeping through, she wore a white knee length dress with sandals. Her hair styled in a low ponytail.

"Omg Eren!" She squealed. I put my phone down and embraced her in a not so tight hug.

"Oh God I thought I lost you forever!" I sobbed into her chest. I didn't care if I was getting her outfit wet or if I cried unmanly like in front of hundreds of people; I loved her to death and seeing her right now was the happiest moment ever.

"I'm so sorry Eren. I'm so sorry" Mikasa apologized repeatedly. "Why are you sorry?" I asked though I probably already knew the answer to that.

"I didn't tell you I was leaving....I was going to tell you honestly Eren but I just didn't want to hurt you; not when you've made both of us so happy" she told.

"It's fine Mikasa I perfectly's just...why do you have to leave now?" I frowned.

"They can't treat me because Levi and Petra don't have insurance on me up here so we'll be living in Florida from now on since moving back here would be even more expensive" she explained.

"But what about us Mikasa?" My lip quivered.

"I've given it some time to think about and honestly Eren... I think we both should take a break" she told.

My heart tore.

Why did she sound so cold when saying that?

She clutched on tight to me however. "But this doesn't mean this is goodbye" she says. But a smile reforms.

"I don't trust long distance relationships and it'll give you some time by yourself to do whatever you want without me holding you back" she smiled apologetically at me.

"Mikasa..." I trailed. I didn't want this at all. I wanted to spend my years with her! Not apart from her.

"B-but I want to spend my time with you!" I exclaimed.

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