Bad Day

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Chapter 8: Bad day

I was already at school walking through the halls and trying to ignore the glares the guys gave me plus the wolf whistles. I wore a long sleeve lacey shirt that had a small little cut in the middle so it showed off my belly a bit. I wore light blue skinny jeans and boots. Just something simple and even Levi approved of it.

The more I heard them whistle the more I wanted to knock their teeth out and force them to swallow it.

"Hey there sexy" I heard someone beside me swoon. But to bad for me I was familiar with the lustful tone.

I sighed in annoyance. "What do you want Eren? Can you see I don't want to become one of your toys" I spat while I continued walking.

"The more you resist the more I want to get you" he whispered in my ear.

"Screw off" I retorted. "I do anyway" he rolled his eyes with a chuckle.

"You disgust me" I snarled. "Hey" Krista​ greeted coming up to me.

Her eyed flickered to Eren then at me then back at him then at me again. "Its okay Krist I was just leaving" I said through gritted teeth.

I grabbed ahold of her arm and pulled her down the hall ignoring Eren's provocative comments.

"What's with him?" Krista asked with irritation in her tone.

"I don't know and please don't get the wrong idea I don't want anything to do with him. He's a nuisance. A disturbance" I spoke firmly with a small smile for reassurance.

"Okay...just please know were doing this because we don't want you to get hurt" she tells me.

"Of course I know" I said. "Okay" she shook her head.

"So are you going straight to class? Me and the girls were about to go grab some food from the cafeteria" She started.

"I'm fine I already ate before I got here" I replied.

She seemed a bit down but didn't protest. Just smiled and waved me off before jogging in the opposite direction.

I continued walking to my class.

As I squished through the tall people, slow people, and the dumbasses that decided to talk in the middle of the hall I was roughly pushed aside and even fell on the floor by someone!

Some of my things scattered everywhere on the floor and people ended up walking on them.

Snickers and laughter was heard making my cheeks turn a deep red color.

"Oh I'm SO sorry" a girl snorted with sarcasm. More laughter was filled until one girl said something that made me want to strangle anyone within my range. "Good one Annie".

I looked up, my eyes flared into her icy cold blue ones.

She smirked at me before giving off a fake apologetic frown.

"What happened??" I heard a worry tone fill my ears from all the laughter.

I remembered his tone. It made me recognize who he was and all I wanted him to do right now was take me away from this mess and pull me in a tight hug where he can dissolve my problems.

"I'm really sorry Jean I was just walking a-and I accidentally bumped into her and she fell" Annie said faking her sympathy.

"And none of you decided to help her?!" He exclaimed bending down to me and helping me pick my papers up.

"I-its nothing" I said shuffling my things and putting them back in a random folder disorganized.

I sounded so weak. A minute ago I was blowing Eren off and now I'm embarrassed, on the verge of tears, after being knocked down by Annie.

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