사십 • cakes

353 33 2

Drabble game: 3, 4 & 23

Hope you like it. I mean, who wouldn't want to see a jealous Seungcheol? :')


"Jihoon? What are you doing?" Seungcheol asked as he entered the kitchen and saw his loved boyfriend.

"Eating? Ish thchat obvhchious?" Jihoon replied, his mouth full of cake. He didn't want to look like a child who was eager to eat a cake for the first time. It's just that, the cake was so delicious that's why he ended up shoving a lot of it inside his mouth.

"Cake? I don't remember us buying or baking a cake.." Scratching his head as he eyed the cake suspiciously, Seungcheol walked towards Jihoon and sat on the stool opposite of him.

"Mingyu baked it for me."

Seungcheol almost choked on his own saliva, eyes widening as he observed Jihoon eating the cake happily. What made Seungcheol more irritated is that Jihoon was enjoying it too much.

"What? Are you jealous or something?" Jihoon asked with a smirk on his face as he saw Seungcheol's reaction.

"No, you're. . not supposed to eat it . ." He grabbed Jihoon's hand, preventing him from taking another bite from the cake.

"Why not?"

"Because I said so."

"Are you the boss of me?"

"Stop. Just, don't eat it!"

"Why? It's delicious!"

"It's because Mingyu baked it and you know he has a big crush for you and I'm scared you might realize that his cooking is better than mine and you might leave me for him!" Seungcheol said in one go, groaning at the end since he's so stupid for letting himself ramble like that in front of Jihoon.

"Aww my poor Cheollie.." Jihoon wiped his mouth with the napkin before walking towards Seungcheol and hugging him. The older boy buried his face on Jihoon's neck, too embarrassed to face him.

"It wasn't from Mingyu. I made that myself the other day. I was just teasing you. I didn't know you'd react like that." Jihoon explained with a soft voice, feeling a little guilty for making Seungcheol feel like that.

Just kidding, he wasn't feeling guilty. His little evil self enjoyed how Seungcheol was frustrated over a cake. Heh.

"Wait.. is that my shirt?" Seungcheol asked all of a sudden. Jihoon nodded and asked a simple why, looking at his lover.Seungcheol smirked, and Jihoon didn't like that kind of smile because it means that he was up to something mischievous.

"Looks like I'll be taking my shirt back.. inside the bedroom.." Seungcheol carried Jihoon towards their bedroom before slamming the door. "I gotta punish you for doing that to me."  

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