twelve ; they're gone

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Cherry Valance:

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Cherry Valance:

Honey and I spent all of my suspension together, which I was completely fine with. Her gang had warmed up to me slightly. It wasn't like I was expecting them to be my best friends, but they didn't treat me like shit.

Of course, Marcia was excited to hear details. Kimberly didn't care what I did anymore, not like that bothered me.

I had picked Marcia up on my way to school. I'd decided to wear a tighter black shirt and a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up some, of course paired with black flats.

"This whole look you have going on is working, trying to impress Miss Honey?" Marcia teased.

I rolled my eyes and smirked playfully, "Maybe." With that, we both hopped out of the car.

Honey stood on the steps to the school, a cigarette tucked between her lips. A smirk overtook her face as Marcia and I strolled towards the building. Her eyes had that glint of recklessness I had been attracted to in the first place, I loved that about her. Of course, the members of the gang that did go to school simply nodded towards me. I was a soc, they're greasers.

I winked at Honey before walking into school, she grinned right back at me.


"Hey there, dollface. Mind takin' me back to your place?" Honey asked, leaned up against my car.

I giggled and nodded, "Get in, you loser."

Honey happily got into my car and we sped off to my place.

"You finish the math homework?" I ask Honey as her hand rests on my knee.

"Nah, when you get this skirt? I like it." Honey stated, her eyes going over my body.

"Well we can do that then, and it's been in the back off my closet." I shrug.

When we got back to my house Honey immediately went to the kitchen for food.

"Cherry," Honey's voice called out, "There's zero food in this house." She whined.

"Well I gotta go grocery shopping later." I call back, kicking my shoes off.

"Ugh, do we have to do homework?" Honey complained as I sat both of our work on the table.

"I'd like to get out of that hell hole as soon as I can, so yes." I answer.

"Can't we do anatomy?" Honey asked, moving closer to me.

"Real slick, but no." I laughed as her hands fell onto my hips.

"After I go grocery shopping." I grin, pecking her lips and sitting down to do the math assignment.


"Okay, lets go!" Honey yelled and took my keys.

I rolled my eyes and followed her to the car. She wanted to drive my car to the grocery store. Once we got there, Honey grabbed a cart and we make our way throughout the store.

"Can you buy this?" Honey asks, holding up a box of cereal.

"Not my money, put it in the cart." And it went like that throughout the store.

I shopped for healthier food items while Honey planned on stocking the junk food cabinet. We ended up with more junk food than healthier food.

"This is what I would do if I had the money." Honey smiled, very happy with the pile of bags in the back seat of my car.

"C'mon, you gotta help me put away all of this shit." I rolled my eyes and Honey lit up a cigarette before taking off.

I couldn't help but keep my eyes on Honey as she drove, just the way she gripped the steering wheel made me attracted to her. Honey's gaze never lift the road as she would flick away the ashes on the cigarette before she placed it back between her lips. Everything about Honey made me attracted to her, it was almost scary how much my attraction had grown for her in such little time.

Finally, she glanced at me. When she realized I was staring she just gave me a lazy smirk. Her right arm fell around my shoulders and she pulled me closer to her.

"You know, you're really beautiful." I told Honey, my eyes finally going onto the road.

"I think you told me once or twice," Honey joked, "But I was also in between your legs and you had just came."

I scoffed lightly before laughing, "Well I think you're beautiful."

We pulled into my driveway and hauled all of the bags into the kitchen. The radio played softly as we moved around the kitchen, putting food away.

"I'm gonna call Darry and tell him that I'll be here for a while." Honey informed me.

"Are you just staying to night?" I asked and she gave me a quick nod.

Once all of the food was put away I sat myself on the kitchen island. I had a bowl of strawberries while Honey was eating some sort of junk food.

"Shit, what am I gonna wear to school tomorrow?" Honey asks as she stands between my legs.

"You have some clothes here that you keep leaving." I laugh.

"Just another reason to come back, right?" Honey smirks and pulls my legs closer to her.

"Totally." I grin, placing my lips on her's.

God, I really do think I love her.


2 AM. That's when a pounding came from the door. Honey and I both woke up immediately. We walked down the steps and Dallas' voice called out both of our names.

"Dal, why are you here, and at 2 AM? You know I have school tomorrow." Honey bickered, clearly unhappy about being woken up.

"Johnny killed a soc, the one that tore him up a while back." Dallas responded coolly.

"What's the soc's name?" I asked quietly.

"Bob, I think. He was drunk and tried to drown Pone, man." Dallas continued.

My jaw dropped slightly, "I hate Bob."

"I happy he's dead, he deserved it." Dallas spoke louder.

In a way I was relieved that Bob couldn't ruin my life anymore, but I would've never wished death on him.

"Johnny and Pony, they're gone," Dallas went on, "I sent them to Windrixville to hide. Don't tell the rest of the gang."

With that, Darry walked out. I looked at Honey, a cold and unreadable look took over her face.

"I-I'm sorry." I apologized quietly, looking down at the ground.

"It's not your fault dollface, Bob brought this upon himself." Honey sighed, pulling me into a hug.

"I still feel like I need to apologize for all of this." I sighed.

Thanks again Bob, for screwing me over once again.

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