Day 6 - Game Night

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The game started out innocently enough. They just wanted to play a friendly game of chess. They were friends and it was game night, and chess was a good game for two people.

Oh, how they were wrong.

It started when Marinette began picking off his pawns one by one. She held no mercy for the little stubs and Chat's numbers started going down quickly. Chat was able to get some of her pawns but not as many as she took his.

He retaliated by taking her knight.

She took his bishop.

By now they were fighting, smack talking, and just generally it was not a friendly game anymore. You would think there was money on the line but no it was just pride. And gloating rights, gloating rights were powerful.

But nobody knew of these game nights, not even Alya, Marinette's best friend and author of the Ladyblog. They would only be able to gloat to each other but it would be worth it.

Chat was down to his King, Queen, one Knight and one Rook. Marinette had her King, Queen, one Knight, and both Bishops.

"Give it up Chat," Marinette started, "We both know I'm going to win, make it easy on yourself and give up."

"Never," Chat said moving his Queen in a last attempt to protect his King.

"Fool," Marinette said as she moved her queen, taking his queen, and locking his king in.

"You monster." Chat said as he realized what she had done.


Marichat May 2017Where stories live. Discover now