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"You're Japanese, right?" She asked, taking a bite of her burger and letting it melt into her mouth as she tried to enjoy it to the fullest.

"Yeah, how'd you-" he stopped mid-sentence assuming his name gave it away.

"I heard your name in a hentai once- wait is that racist?" He started choking on his fries and she handed him water not fazed by his reaction. She was never good with words and had a tendency to say the wrong things at the worst timing.

"Hentai?" He finally mumbled after calming down a minute later. She nodded taking a sip of her coke. "You watch hentai?"

"Depends on my mood, although it's hard to find normal hentai." Yuta couldn't believe the conversation they were having. He's never talked to a girl about sexual things, but for some reason he was the only one being awkward here.

"You don't like the tentacle type?"

"Oh my God, those are the worse. You like those?"

"I like the train ones,"

"Yes! Train ones are pretty good but sometimes the girls are even too thick for me. I mean how does the man-"

"I think that's enough!" Yuta stopped her before the conversation went too far. He was interested in what she had to say, but he was flustered and he knew he was blushing hard. She giggled grabbing a napkin and wiping his chin.

"You're drooling," she said, sitting back down on her seat and finishing her lunch.

Yuta was taken aback by how confident and bold she was. It was such a breath of fresh of air. She was unpredictable. He liked that.

"Jilhal is so good. It's one of the only places here that has halal food," she spoke up trying to avoid any silence. She didn't like the quiet. Yuta was so deep in thought analyzing the girl that he hadn't even noticed that they weren't talking at first.

"You're Muslim?" He was curious since the start, but he didn't want to question it afraid that maybe she wouldn't like it.

"No, but it reminds me of home. We had Halal Guys back in Canada. It's basically the same thing. I missed the taste," suddenly Yuta wanted to question Mark everything about Canada.

"I understand. I miss my hometown as well,"

Mira was staring as he talked. He was so nice and sweet and respectful. She regretted being rude to him earlier, so bad. He was still here, talking to her and giving interest. She needed that.

"Korea is great though. I really love it here," he told her as they both finally started to leave the restaurant after paying.

"Have you visited many places here?"

"I know Seoul better than most Koreans at this point," he wasn't bragging or exaggerating. His friends were impressed by his knowledge of Korea in general.

"Must be nice," she sighed looking up the darkened sky and coming to the sudden realization that they were probably going to part ways at this point.

"You can call me up whenever if you ever want to go on an adventure or just to hang out," he said shrugging and not noticing the sudden grin that came on her face.

"Are you sure about that? I'm the type to call you up at midnight and make you come to the convenient store just to drink orange juice,"

"That's very specific but sure as long I'm not the one paying." She laughed at that. Her eyes twinkled underneath his gaze.

"Sure, I have a question though?"


"What's that in your pocket?" She said pointing at his back pocket. He raised an eyebrow and pulled out the plushie he found at the park. He had completely forgotten it was there.

"It's nothing-"

"It's cute, may I please see it?" She asked, unconsciously pouting and looking up at him with wide eyes. He didn't have the heart to tell her that it was just something he found on the sidewalk and that it was probably dirty but he handed it to her. He couldn't help himself, she was cute as hell.

"This looks like Xiumin," she noticed. Yuta looked at it again and realized she was right. It did look like him. And suddenly he saw the exo logo on the back. She smiled warmly at it before handing it back to him.

"You can keep it but only in one condition.."


"You'll call me if you ever want to go somewhere far. I don't want you to get lost again."

[this is awful. I can't wait to delete this book.]

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