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They didn't actually end up hanging out after that first encounter. Not because they didn't want to but they just couldn't.

Mira was occupied with her new semester and Yuta had too much work. They were both too busy to make time. Neither were even aware of the fact that their lives were totally different from the other's. Although, they did talk quite a lot or at least as much as they possibly could but that wasn't easy. The only time they could text or call or even just FaceTime was late at night after she finished studying and he was done for the day.

Lucky for them, the best conversations always happen at night. Why? No one is sure. Maybe it's because the darkness comforts you and gives you the illusion that all your exposed secrets will stay in the dark and that light will never be shone upon them. Or maybe the stars and the moon is a pretty sight and they want to have nice talks underneath it. Either way, it didn't matter.

Today was different though. She called him up at six a.m while he was sleeping soundlessly still drained from the previous day.

"This better be important," he said, picking up the phone without looking at the caller I.D.

"You like hiking?"


"Hiking or no?"

"Yeah, I do." He answered, confused and still out of it. He yawned and then rubbed his eyes.

"Great! I'll text you the address, come at nine. Call me when you arrive!" She hung up not waiting for his response.

He slowly let his phone drop to his lap and just stared at the wall across from him in silence trying to gather his thoughts and fully understand the whole situation.

He was going to kill her. He will go to the stupid hiking place just to kill her. He couldn't believe she woke him up so they could hike. Who does that? She was dead.
Yuta then looked at the time and fell back on his bed and soon enough he was asleep. Well at least he tried to fall asleep.

And then with a groan he removed the cover off his body and decided to get ready even though he still had three hours to go. Because deep down, he was excited.

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