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"So, you kissed her?"


"You're stupid-"

"I know! What am I supposed to do now?" Johnny just shrugged as he watched Yuta panic.

"Are you dating her?"


"Then you can still stop talking to her."


"Yeah, just ya know tell her you made a mistake and that you don't see her like that."

"Wouldn't she be hurt?" Yuta asked.

"Yeah, but even if you date her she'll be hurt anyway. You're debuting in a few months. You won't have any time for her and if the company finds out you can get kicked out. You'll lose everything,"


Jinwoo sat on the floor of her bedroom and was helping her pack. It had been a few weeks since the whole event had actually happened. Mira and Yuta had barely talked neither of them knowing what to say.

"You got your ticket and passport?" Jinwoo asked as he zipped up the last of the baggages.

"Yeah, my flight leaves tomorrow morning. You're going to drop me off, right?"

"Of course." He was sad that his best friend was leaving him but he knew it was for the best. She had her reasons and he accepted them.

"Have you told Yuta?"

"Actually we're meeting up at some random café in an hour. I'll tell him then."

"How do you think he'll react?"

"Hopefully, he won't care."


It was a small indie café. Entering it she noticed barely any people inside apart from a couple. Yuta was sat at one of the tables at the corner. It felt like he was trying to hide. He had already ordered a drink for her.

As she sat down, Yuta's head shot up and he sent her smile. Not like the ones she was used to though.

"Hi," her voice was small. She took a sip of the iced coffee while completely ignoring his gaze.

"I have something to tell you," he started. She motioned him to go on. "I think it would be for the best if we stop seeing each other."

There was silence. She was calm. Strangely, she felt hurt. She hadn't expected that. Maybe she wanted to be the one to cut of her ties or maybe she cared for him more than she had thought.

She was aware that a small part of her was willing to stay if he had asked. She had tried so hard to act like it was easy for her to not give a crap about him but that was all fake.

She smiled softly and warmly at him which really wasn't what Yuta had expected.

"Why?" She questioned playing with her straw. "Nevermind. You don't have to tell me, it's fine. I get it,"

"You do?"

"Of course." Then she stood up and finally looked at him right in the eyes with her dark brown eyes. "It was nice knowing you Nakamoto Yuta."

[ I hate myself, what am I even doing with this book. Please vote and comment <33 ]

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