Big Brother || Chapter One

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"Big brother!" Octavia shouts, her arms wailing in the air as her feet carry her as fast as they can into Bellamy's arms. She was 20 now, and although she may be engaged and working as an intern at a veterinary hospital, seeing her big brother walk through those airport doors excited her just as much as Christmas morning.  Bellamy grasps her in his arms and she scrunches her nose as the curls of his hair tickle her face.

She squeezes him so tightly. "I missed you, O." His arms squeeze her back and then they both pull away from the embrace. He holds her chin in his hand, analyzing her face. She's gotten older and more mature. He hadn't seen her in 6 months and although she was and adult now, she was still growing. And was as perfect as ever. Somehow, he still seemed to visualize her as a little girl. "You look like mom. Got her eyes, her nose, everything."

She grins and the skin by her eyes crinkle. It's been six years since their mother died and although the thought of her hurts both their hearts equally, this is the highest compliment she could receive. Bellamy and Octavia's mother was by far one of the most beautiful woman to ever grace the earth. She had long dark hair that bounced when she walked and chocolate eyes that anyone could fall in love with. Octavia's smile still hadn't faltered and she grabs on to Bellamy's hand, "come meet Lincoln!!" The excitement bubbles over from inside her.

Octavia and Lincoln had been together for almost three years but if you were looking for exact timing Octavia could tell you. Exactly, on the nose, two years, seven months, and fifteen days. Bellamy had never had the chance to meet Lincoln. Octavia only ever saw her brother twice a year, and it was usually Octavia flying into Toronto due to Bellamy's physically and mentally demanding job. Being one of the best paramedics his station had was something he was proud of. With Lincoln owning his own local pub, The Bow and Arrow, he didn't have much time to leave the city.

Bellamy outstretched his right hand leaning slightly into Lincoln for a hand shake. "You've taken good care of her, thank you." He smiles, looking slightly to Octavia. A wide grin plastered amongst her face. Watching two of her favourite men interact was something she longed for since they started dating.

"I just worked with what you gave me." Lincoln laughs and Octavia jumps into his arms, plastering small kisses on his cheek. "Sometimes I wonder if she's part dog." He laughs, kissing her lips and hugging her tightly.

Bellamy chuckled, seeing his baby sister so happy was so comforting. Octavia and Bellamy had different dads, although never thought of each other as 'half siblings'. Octavia grew up with Bellamy and their mother and her father Marcus Kane. Unfortunately her parents were never married and separated shortly after her eighth birthday. Kane moved to Vancouver, where he was originally from and Octavia would visit him every summer and several different weeks throughout the year. Bellamy's father wasn't in the picture and he never had a strong male figure in his life to stand by. When their mother died in a car wreck, Octavia was only 14, Bellamy 21. He was in university, training to be a paramedic, living in residence, and due to this situation was forced to separate him from his little sister. Just like that, Kane came to Toronto, packed up Octavia and took her with him. It was the best thing for everyone and Kane was more than able to provide for her, but that didn't make it any easier.

Bellamy, Octavia and Lincoln picked up Bellamy's luggage before heading back to Lincoln's place. A nice apartment located inner city a few blocks from the pub. Octavia still technically lived with Niylah, a girl with a heart so soft that she even made baby blankets seem rough. They lived in the same building as Lincoln, however she spent more time at Lincoln's than her own. Bellamy would be staying in his guest bedroom for the duration of his visit. It had a nice view and lost of light. Something Octavia always loved. It was like walking into a breath of fresh air.

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