Drinks || Chapter Two

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From the moment Bellamy and Clarke met each other's eyes in that dimly lit bar, they seemed to have some kind of unspoken connection. Or at least she seemed to fill all his thoughts. And suddenly he wasn't so miserable listening to these young kids make jokes. He was here for Octavia. Additionally, he wanted to know about Clarke. She definitely seemed like the most interesting person here, with layers to unfold and discover.

The rest of Octavia's friends were tipsy at the least. Harper had finished her shift and joined the group on the other side of the counter, ordering whatever mix of alcohols Clarke decided to stir up. John Murphy making snarky comments while Raven spilled over about the new programming going on at the office. Jasper taking drink after drink, just as quick as the next. Octavia cooing over her her fiancé as Lincoln sat proud of the life he was surrounded by. Miller complaining over how his boyfriend was acting closed off recently. And with every drink each of their words slurred more and more. Bellamy sat to the side while creating small talk with Clarke. "Are you the usually the only sober one?" The world begins to dial out behind him.

Clarke wipes down the counter, and moves the hairs that are falling out of her ponytail. "Only during the week. But hardly."

"You in school?" Clarke shakes her head. "Never went?"

She shrugs, beginning to pour another drink for one of her friends. "Dropout." Clarke beginning to lose interest in the conversation.

"For?" Bellamy sips at his rum and Coke.

"Med school." She's lost eye contact but he's trying to get her back. "Wasn't my thing, trying to save man kind."

"Not all superheroes wear capes." Bellamy states and she pauses, looks over and then continues on with her tasks.

"I call bullshit. The world is a fucked up game and we are just playing in it." He sat back slightly, not willing himself to say another word.

"You're just bitter." A new bartender slides in. Tall, long dark wavy hair and deep brown eyes with caramel like swirls. Bellamy sat up, finishing off his drink.

Clarke raised her eyebrow sending tension between the two. "No one asked you, Echo." She snarks.

Echo brushed past Clarke leaning slightly over the bar, closing the space between Bellamy and herself. She's captivated him so instantaneously that when she asks if he would like another drink he can hardly form words. Maybe it's the last of the alcohol hitting him. "Surprise me." He shrugs.

Clarke shoots a look over to the both of them as they begin to flirt. She didn't like Echo. Ever since high school they had practically been mortal enemies. Always wanting each other dead. Cat fight after cat fight. But somehow, always in the same friend group. And just because Bellamy rubbed her the wrong way, made Echo instantly attracted to him. Just another thing to piss Clarke off.

"Watch it. He's Octavia's brother." Clarke scoffed towards Echo, thinking this would turn her off. Instead did the exact opposite.

"Oh! A Blake?" Echo smirks, "I hear they're really good with their hands."


Bellamy sat on the leather couch of Lincolns apartment, eyeing the city view. Bellamy always loved the lights. It made him feel alive and the fact that each little light resembled someone was always so astonishing. What were they doing? Who were they? What was their story? Was his soulmate out there wondering the same thing? "So you've never been to Vancouver? Man, you're missing out."

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