Play Time || Chapter Thirteen

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Warning: I don't usually write this kinda stuff so if it sucks more than usual I'm sorry and you can blame Instagram users: toriyeeee and bellarkeistheotp and bellamysgriffin

"Hey!" Clarke squeals from the passenger seat, grabbing onto Bellamy's forearm, almost making him curve off the road. "Pull over there!" She pointed to a strip mall not too far with a lime green marquee sign leading the words GOOD VIBRATIONS.

Bellamy furrows his eyebrows questioning his overly ecstatic girlfriend. "You've got to be kidding me. A sex shop?"

"Mmhmmm." She mumbles biting her bottom lip and Bellamy catches a glimpse from the corner of his eyes making his insides tingle. Typical Clarke, making him feel things when he tried so hard to not.

Bellamy takes the turn and without any say or input Clarke was bouncing out of the car, dragging Bellamy by the hand and into the poorly lit sex shot. The outside was made of concrete and didn't have any windows except for the door in the entry way. Truly made you feel like you are er walking into some sort or prison or captivity.

Reluctantly Bellamy follows closely behind Clarke, trying to hide the shade of pink that's found its way to his cheeks. "Are you nervous, Mr Blake?" Clarke whispers, leaning into him and leaving a soft and tender kiss along the edge of his lips.

"Not really my scene." He chuckles against her lips.

"Really, cause last night in bed I would've swore you said you'd lock me up and keep me there forever." She winks and kisses him again, leading him to the back corner of the store. "Calm down, it's just a shop. People just particularly happen to like sex here, really like sex." She picks up a package of vanilla flavoured condoms and shoves them against his chest.

He takes them and laughs, almost like he's embarrassed, "really?"

Clarke shimmys her shoulders and giggles. "How about these?" She turns around and backs into Bellamy, his arms wrapping tightly around her as he plants a kiss to the back of her head. She smells sweet and fresh from her shower this morning. He could burry his nose into the bed of her hair and never leave. Her hips back into his so there's hardly any space between them.

She pulls at a pair of fluffy handcuffs with leather tassels and makes an excited squeal which lightens Bellamy's mood. "What do you think?" She leans her head back and holds them up. "Sexy, right?"

Bellamy chuckles uneasily. "Whatever the hell you want, babe. I just wanna get out of here." The lady at the front counters snickers as she overhears the conversation.

Clarke's eyes are the deep kinda blue they get when she's excited or feeling any kind of extreme feeling. This time, it just happens to be lust. "This is supposed to be fun." She moans, turning around within his arms. Clarke wraps her arms around his neck with a smirk lined along her lips. "Pick anything you want. We are here for a good time, Bell. Just ignore everything else and keep your eyes on me."

"That's easy to do." He presses his lips into her forehead. If they weren't in a sex ship it would look like the perfect scene from the perfect movie. Dim lighting. She falls into him. The feeling all fuzzy, even more so than the handcuffs. "All I want is you." He says and every time his lips part they somehow meet her skin once again. Like the conductor of a train, you pull it away and it comes right back.

Clarke grabs a few other things including a new pair of lacy underwear and salted caramel flavoured lube. Bellamy guides her to the checkout before she can pick out one of everything and she's ironically got the look of a child plastered among her face. 

"Find everything alright?" The cheery blonde across the counter asks. She wreaks of fake flavoured cherry lipgloss.

Clarke laughs, piling the handcuffs and other toys amongst the counter. "Absolutely."

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