Preservation || Chapter Four

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"Why are you so nervous?" Octavia laughs, peering at her brother in the backseat through the visor mirror. She swivels in her chair smiling back at him.

"I haven't seen him in years, O." Bellamy raises an eyebrow.

"But it's Kane, it's dad!" Lincoln grabs onto Octavia's knee and whispers for her to put on her seatbelt, pointing ahead at police cars.

"He's your dad, O. Not mine." The jeep runs quiet except for the hum of the engine. Bellamy's phone goes off and he looks at the screen. It was Echo.

Don't stress it, sexy.

Bellamy chuckles, sliding his phone back into his pocket. "Oh my god!" Octavia screams and Lincoln doesn't hesitate to step on the break, making everyone jump. 

"Damnit, Octavia!" Lincoln laughs shaking his head and she grabs onto his hand.

She swallows hard. "Clarke left Niylah and then didn't show up for her shift!"

"Left?" Lincoln drops an eyebrow. "Like left her place? Where is Clarke? Who is at the pub?"

"Harper. She says she can stay but she's worried about Clarke, she was supposed to be there at 6, it's almost 7."

Bellamy can sense the aggression but also worry that his sister and her boyfriend were enduring. "Has anyone talked to Niylah?"

"I'm calling Raven right now to see if she knows anything." O picks up the phone placing it to her ear, tapping her foot against the bottom of the vehicle. "Come on Raven... pick up. Please..." It rings with no answer and she calls back again, worry rising in her.

"Hello? O?" Raven answers on the fourth ring, laughing on the other end.

"Are you home? Is Clarke there?" Lincoln turns down the radio.

"Ummm, I'm not home right now. Why what's going on?"

"She didn't show up for work."

"Shes probably just late, you know Clar-"

"An hour late?"

The line goes dull, "I'll run home and see if she's there. Did you call Niylah?"

Octavia takes a deep breath. "She left her."

"For fuck sakes Murphy! This is your fault. Okay, O, I'll go home and see what's going on. Murphy will check on Niylah."

"You're with Murphy?" Octavia scoffs.

"No, well, ya, but it's not what you think. I'm explain later."

Octavia rolls her eyes, snickering. "Just text me if you find anything out." The line goes dead. Lincoln turns off the road, and Octavia grabs his arm. "This isn't the way to dads."

"I gotta go to the pub, you gotta find Clarke. She's our friend."

Her chest rises and falls, "but... dad." She knew the right thing was to go look after the pub and find Clarke but she also knew that she wouldn't get Bellamy back to her dads. "Please?"

Lincoln looks to Octavia and the look in her eyes makes him melt. "Harper can stay at the pub?" Octavia nods. "And Raven is looking for Clarke?" She nods again. "Okay, but if she isn't found within an hour, we need to head back home."

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