Rum And Coke || Chapter Seven

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"How about we go back inside." Bellamy suggests and Clarke nods in agreement. He rises to his feet and puts out his hands for Clarke to take them. She does and he pulls her up, a smile spreads softly at her lips. Although she just dropped all her walls in front of him, she feels comfortable. "Thank you." She whispers, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders, tucking her nose into his shirt. Her heart felt like it had dropped to the pit of her stomach, despite that butterflies began to spin. The feeling of him pressed so tightly against her was significant enough to make her not want to move.

Bellamy escorts her back inside, no one even notices that either of them had left. The only thing that's different is everyone is slightly more tipsy than before. And the music is slightly louder. "Bellamy," Echo's voice slurs through the people and she grabs on to Bellamy's hand. "Come dance with me, sexy!"

Clarke licks her lips and nods. "Clarke!" He calls after her as she turns around. "I'll see you later?" She chuckles woefully and shrugs. As Bellamy watches her walk away, he's swept within the crowed.

Clarke makes her way over to Harper and Raven and from behind them she spots Niylah. Her figure tall and beautiful and for whatever reason she feels nervous. As if she is guilty. But she isn't, she shouldn't be, Niylah and her were nothing more than familiarity. That kiss that she shared with Bellamy wasn't even comparable to Niylah. It wasn't comparable to any kiss that had ever touched her lips. While thinking about kisses and whose lips they were touching, Clarke's stomach pumped with jealously. Echo's lip touching Bellamy.

Surely he had to of felt it as well. That wasn't just a gesture of 'I hope you feel better soon' or 'I understand your pain.' You don't just kiss someone to make them feel better. You kiss someone when you feel something, when the endorphins in your body are taking over and you're riding high on dopamine. He had to of felt it. That spark of realization that maybe something between them was brewing. Something incredible.

Niylah greets Clarke and they talk as they normally would in front of their friends. Talking about her day at work and what her plans were for the week. "Well when Octavia finally officially moves out, I'm going to need a roommate."

Raven crunches her eyebrows. "Why don't you and Clarke just move in together?"

"That would mean you're without a roommate. And I know your job pays well but... not that well." They laugh, Raven was constantly getting raises and promotions. Constantly being praised for her continuous intelligence. Clarke is confused but Harper just continues to sip on her fruity drink. She already knows what's about to go down. "Am I missing something?" She looked from Harper to Raven and then to Niylah.

Raven takes a deep breath, biting down on her lips. "I was gonna tell you, but then you disappeared. But like..." she takes a deep breath and for a moment Clarke looks horrified. Maybe something bad has happened, maybe she has to move, maybe she got laid off, horrible thoughts seizing in Clarke's thoughts. "Murphy asked me to move in."

Clarke laughs. "Murphy? Why? What kinda drugs is he on?"

"That's the thing." Raven takes a deep breath, "we are..." Raven looks to her friends for support but they're leaving her on her own for this one. "We're together." She bites the tip of her tongue, trying to read Clarke's expression but there's nothing. It's blank.

"Sorry it must be too loud in here, I swore I just heard you say you and Murphy are together." Clarke chuckles pathetically.

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