Complicated || Chapter Eight

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Bellamy wakes up in the middle of the night, in a bed he doesn't recognize. In nothing but boxers and a sheet draped over him. It's dark, but the sun is about to rise. It's that middle time of the night and day. When the sky is a dark shade of blue and you can see but only cause your eyes have adjusted. He looks to his left and Echo is sleeping soundly beside him. Wrapped up in his t-shirt, and her arms curled around his. Bellamy doesn't remember how he got here, or what he did last night, but he's not stupid.

He tries to pull out from her hold but she squeezes tight. "Don't leave." She pleads.

"I can't do this." He swallows harshly. All he can think about is Clarke, and the kiss that they shared.

Echo sits up in bed, "you weren't saying that an hour ago when you were going down on me." She tilts her head, puckering her lips, clearly unimpressed. Bellamy doesn't hesitate to stand, finding his clothing laced around her bedroom. "Get over here!" She crosses her arms.

He turns around, shrugging. "I told you I'm not here for a relationship. I'm here to visit my sister." She stares at him, not breaking eye contact, not even blinking. Her skin is glowing in this lighting. "I'm sorry."

She pulls back her bottom lip and sighs, pulling off the shirt and swinging it to him. Her body sinking back into bed, pulling the covers over her shoulders. "Show yourself out." She whispers.

He does, sneaking out of her room and clicking the door behind him. The kitchen light flickers on and Bellamy covers his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Here for not even a week and she already gotcha roped in, eh?" A guy in his late 20s stands, holding a glass of milk. Bellamy only assumes it's Echo's step brother. "I'm Roan, nice to meet you." He extends his hands.

Bellamy makes his way over, adjusting his shirt. "It's not like that, but nice to meet you. Bellamy." They take each other's hand.

"Not spending the night?"

Bellamy shrugs pointing to the sky out of the window. The sun is rising. "I'd say I already have."

Roan chuckles, tossing his glass into the sick, quickly washing it out. "It's alright, Echo is a lot to handle. I don't blame you for walking out."

"You get a lot of guys in and out of here?"

Roan shrugs, "she usually goes to their place. Then she's the one who decides to leave."

Bellamy nods as Roan passes him a glass of water. "Open relationship with your sister?"

Roan laughs. "Ya, i'm practically her only friend. She's a good kid, but like, gets caught up sometimes." Bellamy nods. "You don't wanna be here, do you?"

He shakes his head. "Thanks for your hospitality, but really. I shouldn't stay here longer than I already have."

Bellamy heads out and finds his way to Lincoln's apartment. The light from the street lamps falling onto the pavement. It's beautiful. And for once the lights don't make him seem so lonely. He wonders where Clarke is, if she got home safe. The only thing he can think about if the kiss they shared. It wasn't just a kiss. It wasn't like any kiss he had, ever. Sure, he didn't expect it, and maybe that's what surprised him. Took him off guard. Her lips were soft, even if she was cold and they were chapped. She was definitely one of a kind. She was special, even if she was completely heartbroken.

Bellamy hops up the steps to the apartment complex and a blonde girl sits at on the steps, cigarette in hand. The smoke creating a cloud around her. "Clarke?" Bellamy squints and sure enough it is.

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