Puppy Love || Chapter Fourteen

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When Bellamy wakes, Clarke's bare body is wrapped around his like a vine. Her head nuzzled into his chest like it's the only thing she's sure of. Her leg vining around his so tightly that it warms her inner thighs. Bellamy admires her small sleepy expression. A relaxed smile tugging slightly at the corner of her lips. Her eyelids pushed shut, her nose slightly turned up and the light freckles that cover her skin look like small butterfly kisses. He loved her so purely and would stay in that moment forever if he could.

The sunlight from the curtains creeks in and lines the room of striped rays. Bellamy touches his lips to the top of her forehead and her skin feels silky smooth. He tangles his fingers slightly in her hair, moving the sweaty stands out of her eyes. She sleeps with a smile. "Good morning, princess." He whispers as her eyes flutter open as if she knew he was watching her.  She lifts her lips up, begging for a sleepy kiss and obliges. "Sleepy girl, we should probably get up, it's already eleven."

Clarke mumbles to disagree, her voice hoarse. Her protest to stay still in that moment with their skin directly on against the other. "Nooo. Stay here, forever."

Bellamy turns himself over and she tries to follow his touch, pushing out her hands grabby-like. He grabs her hands, and kisses them, laying in front of her and their foreheads touch. "I have a surprise for you."

"Does it have anything to do with last night?" She asks, her eyes cracking open, trying to force away the sleep that's captivating her.

He chuckles. "No."

"Then I don't want it." Her eyes close again and moved her head to nuzzle into him.

"Come on, sleepy. You'll like it, I promise." He pleads, kissing her knuckles and hands before leading his lips on to hers.


With incredible talent, Bellamy gets Clarke out of bed. She wasn't an early riser by any means. He bribed her out of bed with neck kisses and pancakes waiting in the kitchen with extra whip cream, her favourite. Her messy whip cream kisses to his mouth before taking a long sip of organic orange juice. She couldn't help but laugh at the upturn of his nose when she said she prefers artificial. "It's all about the taste." She argues, "I don't care what stuff is in it." Bellamy rolls his eyes, falling even more with Clarke and her stubborn tendencies.

Bellamy took Clarke out to his silver Mercedes-Benz with the sky roof open and the windows rolled down. She was the kinda girl that loved any kind of adventure. It thrilled her. The unknown and indescribable. That's what Bellamy was, her most important adventure thus far. And something in his eyes screamed excitement every time he looked at her.

She sat shotgun, her hand dancing out the window, letting the wind blow her blonde hair over her shoulder. Without her knowing Bellamy looks over she's sunkissed, with raybans sitting on the brim of her nose. They're reflecting the few of the afternoon sky back into the universe for everyone to enjoy. Bellamy crawls his fingers to the inside of her thigh where her cut offs end. Continuing to look out the window, Clarke grabs onto his hand absentmindedly, rubbing her thumb in small circles. A comforting motion that killed Bellamy in every way possible. God damnit, he loved this girl.

When they pull up to a farm house, Clarke looks to Bellamy confused. Her eyebrows furrowed creating a small wrinkle that looks like a vine. Bellamy smiles and takes her hand, her skin hot as he kisses it. "I told you I had a surprise." He states simply and Clarke laughs.

"A farm?" She chuckles, rolling her eyes.

Clarke was more of a beach girl. A lets put on our swim suits and play beach volleyball till our legs are numb and there's sweat dripping from every crevice of our bodies kinda girl. The ones that sip too much beer and have a little too much fun and wear a little too small of bikini's for their own good. The girls that sit in the back of her friends old jeep with her flip flops making a squeaking sound every time she pushed her toes into the tip of the sponge.

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