Nothing Serious || Chapter Five

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Clarke walks behind the bar, tying her apron around her waist. It's been just over 24 hours since Clarke was crying on the bathroom floor, knees tucked to chest. More vulnerable than she's ever been.  But she's acting like it never happened. Like yesterday never happened. When Clarke walked into work Harper was in tears and somehow... Clarke laughed. Brushing it off, stating it was 'no big deal' and that she loved her for caring so much. "Are you okay?" Harper grabs at her hand and Clarke laughs, a smile spread wide across her lips.

"Of course." She shrugs, "now get out of here hot stuff, Monty is waiting!" She slaps her friends butt and Harper furrows her eyebrows.

"You're not... are you.... are you sure you're okay?"

Clarke rolls her eyes, dragging a rag across the counter, offering a gentlemen a refill. "Harper. I'm fine. Promise." She moves by her and they rub shoulders. Harper crosses her arms, clearly worried. This was Clarke running from her problems, she shouldn't be at work. She should be at home. She was not mentally stable. The way she was acting at this moment just proved it further. Clarke catches a glimpse of Echo in the corner of the bar. She rolls her eyes and the fake laugh that Echo is so clearly dropping off. "She's brought a new victim to her lair."

"Clarke, that's Bellamy. They've been here for almost two hours."

"Doing what?" Clarke scoffs, not able to take her eye off of the two tipsy idiots in the corner. "Echo is just leading him into a trap, as per Echo-usual."

Harper shakes her head. "I don't think so. She seems to genuinely like him."

Clarke laughs, and it comes out louder than anticipated. "Like him? Doubt it! He's a hot, older guy, with big muscles, she's not here to learn what his favourite colour is."

"Why do you care so much?" Harper can sense something brewing and it's more than just her hatred for her high school enemy.

Clarke rolls her eyes. "I don't care. It's just... it's Echo, and anyone who falls into her trap, I genuinely feel bad."

"I thought you didn't like Bellamy." Harper smirks, leaning against the edge of the bar. She knew Clarke well, and this wasn't just Clarke and Echo having their differences. And this wasn't anything about a boy falling into Echo's trap. This was much more than that. It was the thought of everyone around her falling in love, finding happiness. And somehow, Clarke was still left out of her own friend group. Everyone had someone. And although Clarke did have Niylah, last night just went to prove that their love wasn't one of the fairytale endings. And everyone knew that. Including Niylah and including Clarke.

"I don't know Bellamy. But hey, if he wants to screw around with Echo then all the power to him." She throws her hands in the air, playfully surrendering.

Harper hugs Clarke goodbye and although she's concerned, she knew Clarke would be fine. She was one of the strongest and resilient women she knew. Continuously proving it to her time and time again. It was almost like on cue, that the moment Harper left, so did Echo and Bellamy. She had her fingers wrapped in between his as she held herself so closely to him.

They were heading back to her place, where she lived with her step brother, Roan. A busy guy who was hardly home, which for Echo, was exactly what she wanted. Echo lived in a different apartment as the others but was luckily only a little walk. For the two of them, tipsy and laughing underneath the streetlights on this early Friday night. Bellamy had been with other women back home, sultry and sexy women, just like Echo. She walked him into her place, their fingertips still linked and the moment the door shut behind them, they were all over each other.

Clothing urgently removed as they moved to her bedroom. Their skin pushed against each other. Their lips in a battle of the sexes, who would be victorious? Echo pushed him onto the bed and smiled overtop of him, her fingers trailing along his chest.

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