Maid || Chapter Twelve

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Despite her wild, carefree personality and love for adventure, Clarke had never been on a plane. She was furled of excitement but unfortunately nerves as well. The flight was four and a half hours, not bad. But for someone who had never been in the air and had a fear of heights, it was another story.

Clarke sat next to the window, staring across the sky filled with candy cotton clouds. Bellamy had his arm around her and placed a kiss to the side of her head.

"Would you like to read with me?" A small voice squeaks from in front of them as the seatbelt light dings off. A child appears, standing on the seat and looking over at both Clarke and Bellamy.

Bellamy immediately smiles, the expression on his face goes nearly child like. "I would love to read with you!" Before Clarke could blink Bellamy was holding one of the little girl's books, reading it to her over the seat. She couldn't have been more than seven years old. With dark curly hair and bright a blue eyes, a small upturned nose, Clarke couldn't help but think if they were to have a child -she would be the perfect mix.

She hadn't seen him interact with many people other than her group of friends. But the way he so unapologetically started making conversation with the five year old, and read to her, warmed her heart. Clarke was never one for children, but it was like fireflies rose from within her. This may have been the cutest thing she's ever seen.

After awhile, Bellamy stands and excused himself to the washroom but not leaving before he could plant a kiss on the top of Clarke's head. She lets off a half smile, scared to be left alone on the plane but hey, what's two minutes.

The mother of the daughter turns around. "Do you have kids?" She asks and Clarke releases a puzzled look on her face. "You and your husband, you're great with kids."

Clarke chuckles, "we aren't married. But no, we don't have kids."

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I just assumed. You've got that honeymoon glow." She smirked. "Hold on to that for as long as you can."

Clarke glances to the empty space beside her. "We haven't known each other very long."

"Really?" She raises an eyebrow. "You seem like you know each other pretty well."

Clarke chuckles. "I think I'm falling in love with him." She blushes and her cheeks are hot like fire. "I thought i knew what love was, but..." she breathes heavy, "he's different." Clarke loosed her train of thought. "Never mind its stupid."

"It's not stupid!" She ensures with a pure smile written on her face, "love is the most beautiful thing in the world."

The feeling rushes over Clarke, she can't even nail what it is. It's the feeling of butterflies but so much more. Like she's being turned upside with her heart completely exposed just waiting to be lit on fire. Or maybe she already has been lit on fire. Maybe she's in the middle of the fire and covered in gasoline. Maybe there wasn't any reason. Maybe she started the fire.

Upon landing, Bellamy and Clarke find their way to baggage claim. Bellamy ordered a über and before they knew it, they were walking up the steps to his downtown apartment. Every step leaving an echo bouncing off the glass built building. Bellamy's hang has Clarke engulfed in his hold. Her hands are clammy and he laughs, leading her into his apartment.

It's clean. Cleaner than she would've thought. Big glass windows that hand from ceiling to floor. Granite countertops. It looked like something right out of a film. One she could watch time and time again on repeat. Her fingers graze the chilled granite and Bellamy surprises her from behind. Effortlessly lifting her onto the counter and planting a kiss softly upon her lips. "I want to make you dinner." He announces. "No offence but I'm sick of take out and bar food."

Clarke laughs. She couldn't remember the last time she ate a home cooked meal. A smile spreads wide across her lips and her cheeks turn a flushed shade of pink. "I didn't know you could cook."

"Not everyone gets to to see that side of me." he kisses her lips softly before turning around the counter as Clarke reaches for his hand.

Bellamy makes it to the fridge and swings open the door. To her surprise it's filled with fresh food, fruits and veggies. All kinds of things and she leaps off the counter, one eyebrow pushed down into her eye. "How did your fridge-" she starts but Bellamy cuts her off.

He sighs. "I guess it's time I told you."

Clarke crosses her arms across her chest. "Tell me what." She's nervous of what comes next.

Bellamy laughs, pulling her into a hug and placing a soft kiss to the top of her forehead. "I have an assistant. She does all my stuff for me. Any paper work, errands, taxes. Anything honestly. That includes grocery shopping." Clarke narrows her eyes. "When my mother died I was left everything she had. Including her stocks, her savings, her life insurance. This place here... this place is mine. I paid for it in full."

Clarke takes a look around at the penthouse suite and suddenly it seems a lot more luxurious. "You own this?" Bellamy nods. "All of it?"

He laughs, nodding his head. "I invested most of the money. That's how I'm paying for Octavia's wedding. She doesn't know about most of it, but our mother left her nearly as much as me. She just can't access it until her 25th birthday. Best if she doesn't know about it until then. With my share I paid of my outstanding student loans and bought a small out of city house. I lived there for awhile until I got promoted at work, I had to change districts. So I rent that out to a nice family and here I am, in my apartment. Happy as can be." The smile he wears is fake but she smiles back anyway.

"So you have a maid?" She bursts out with laughter and takes Bellamy's hands in hers. "Couldn't trick me. You had your socks lying all over my bedroom floor."

Bellamy leans down and kisses her, softly at first and then deeper. Tender kisses that capture Clarke's bottom lip in his every single time. The touch of him makes her weak. "Let me show you your room."

"My room?" Clarke laughs, grabbing on to his hand as he begins to walk away. "Nice try babe but I'm sleeping wherever you are."

Bellamy takes a deep breath and moves the hair out of her eyes. "Just incase you get sick of me." He mumbles, the thought of kissing her controlling all of his thoughts.

Clarke pulls herself closer to him and she runs her hands along his chest. "Never." She whispers, kissing him one last time.

Later that night after a home made meal and hours of nexflix later, Clarke is snuggled up to Bellamy. Her rest resting gently on his chest while he's slightly propped up in his king size bed. Bellamy coaxed his fingers along the top of her head, playing with small strands of hair. Her breathing was even and he could feel the small little puffs of her breath against his chest. Bellamy imprints his lips to her forehead, a smile growing wide. How could he have fallen for her so fast? So intensely. He had felt love, but nothing like this. He didn't need sleep, he could just watch her lie there for hours. Her chest rising and falling in synch with his heartbeat. Was this what it was like to have a soulmate? Something to pure. After all those nights looking off into the vast city of dark sky and shining lights, did he finally find his shooting star?

Clarke whines slightly, and snuggles into him further, the smell of his cotton t-shirt filling her nose which pushes her farther into sleep mode. Despite bringing changes of her own clothes she lied curled in Bellamy's t shirt. This one... this one she would never let go.


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