Headfirst || Chapter Eleven

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Clarke leans against the doorframe. Bellamy is holding her hand tightly and she keeping leading him back to her lips. She knows he should go, but she doesn't want him to. Bellamy leans into her softly, pressing soft kisses to her lips. Clarke sighs when he steps backward, a small smile tugging at his lips. A cheeky smirk of the sorts.

She pushes her lips tightly together as she watches him walk away and into the elevator. His hands slummed into his pockets and his hair slightly disheveled. This was dangerous for Clarke. Developing feelings for something so temporary. She wanted to draw him back and wrap her arms around him and just... have him hold her. It felt so good to be held by someone so strong. It felt safe. Like nothing in the world could touch her.

Clarke slithers back inside to where she locates her phone, to message Harper. She slides the screen open and a message is sitting there from Bellamy. A smile creeps along her lips. "I had fun last night" and at the end a semi colon and bracket creating a smiley face. Clarke sends a text to Harper. Come over, now!!!!! And within moments Harper is banging down the door and she's panicking as if she thinks something horrible has happened.

But when the door opens and Harper sees the look on her best friend's face she knows this is the opposite. Something incredible has happened. Clarke hadn't looked this happy in a long time. "Who just left here?" Harper laughs, throwing herself onto the couch.

Clarke swallows her excitement and takes a deep breath. "Bellamy Blake." She's scared of the rejection her friend is about to show but instead she screams.

"BELLAMY BLAKE?! OH MY GOD, CLARKE!" Her smile is so wide and the expression on her face is uncanny. "Jesus Christ! I didn't think you'd have it in you!"

"Excuse me?" Clarke laughs, scrunching up her nose, she pulls her legs in to sit cross legged.

Harper rolls her eyes. "He was eyeing you the moment he saw you, he only hooked up with Echo to make you jealous." She pauses, "looks like it worked."

Clarke pushes Harper back playfully. "Shut up, he did not!"

"Sucks for Echo." Harper stands up, walking over to the kitchen and pulling a glass from the cupboard. "I think she really liked him." Clarke is silent as she bites down on the tip of her tongue. "It's Echo, who cares." Her best friend says as she turns around, popping a hand to her hip. "So is it true? Are Blake's good with their hands?"

Clarke laughs, blushing. "Absolutely." She says just to go along with the joke but the truth is everytime her eyes shut for more than second, she sees him in that glowing midnight light. His small natural smile peeking at his upturned lips. And the warmth of his touch that somehow made her so comfortable although she hardly knew anything about him.

She knew he cared for his sister, and that he loved her more than anything in the world. She knew his heart was big, he helped save lives every day. She knew his eyes glistened when they reflected off the moonlight. And she knew that he was beautiful in every sense. Literal and figuratively. Was that love? Was this what falling in love was like? Because if it was, her other loves could not be compared. Was love craving his touch before he even left?

"Helloooo?" Harper calls, "earth to Clarke??"

"Yeah, sorry."

"Thinking about him? Wow, Clarke. If I didn't know you better I'd say you're love struck." Clarke blushes again. "Oh my god! Clarke!" She squeals. "You're really into him, aren't ya?"

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