Cockroach || Chapter Three

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Echo wasn't scared to show interest. She was one of those people, who placed everything out on the table. She wasn't hiding anything, certainly not her attraction to Bellamy. She was one of those girls, you loved her, or you hated her. There was no in between. And by the looks of it, Bellamy wasn't hating her just yet.

Octavia was in complete heaven. She was with her friends and her fiancé and her brother. Everything she could've ever wanted was around. Octavia's phone buzzed from the inside of her jean shorts, wiggling it out. "Daddy wants us over for dinner, Bell!" She smiles, this day was just getting better.

He looks over, and managed a smile. It was soft and definitely something he was faking. Him and Kane got along. But to be honest, it killed Bellamy. Seeing him was a horrible reminder of his childhood. Bellamy never knew his dad, and his mother claimed she didn't know who he was, either. Growing up without a father impacted him in ways he really couldn't explain. When Kane and his mother started dating, Bellamy was only 5 years old, and he was the closest thing to a father he had ever known. He immediately became dependant on Kane and clung to him so tightly that sometimes his fingertips would turn white. He was a nurturing fellow, and had a soft spot when it came to Bellamy. When Octavia was born they grew as a family and not only in numbers. Emotionally and mentally the four of them had a bond that seemed unbreakable.

But nothing is perfect, and eight years later Bellamy would learn that. When Kane and his mother separated he had no idea that he would not only lose his family unit, but his father all together. The first few times Octavia went to visit, so did Bellamy. But eventually he became unwelcome. He wasn't sent birthday cards or Christmas presents. Slowly, it was like Kane forgot he existed. Sure, Bellamy wasn't his responsibility, but he thought he was more than just something to look out for when it was convenient. He hadn't seen him in... god, must've been 4 years now. Bellamy wondered if he could even remember what he looked like.

"You don't seem too enthused." Echo nudged Bellamy as the two of them began to walk slightly farther from the side of the group. Bellamy shrugged. "Don't like Kane? How? Everyone loves Kane!"

"He's Octavia's dad, not mine." He says bluntly,  looking straight ahead on the path, farther and farther into greenery.

"Well you're certainly not as happy go lucky as Octavia, that's for sure." She rolls her eyes but he says nothing to her sassy remark. She furrows her eyebrows. "Between you and me, you're definitely the more interesting one."

Bellamy cracks a smile, "oh yeah? Oh so?"

"Because you're going to get drinks with me tomorrow night." Seemlessly, Echo linkers her arms around his.

"Am I?" A laugh parts his lips. "Says who?"

"Says me. Bow and Arrow, tomorrow night. 8pm. Just us."

"What makes you think i want to?"

Echo shakes her head slightly, giggling underneath her breath. She pins a kiss right to his lips. Quick enough so no one realizes. "Because that's nothing."

Echo was seductive and beautiful all at once. She was a badass in low rise jeans and a halter top hugging her waist. She was much more than the girls at home, much more brave and forward. He wasn't sure if that's what it was, that made him more attracted to her.

The group continued on until they stopped at a ice cream kiosk. Octavia jumping up and down as if she were a child. Clarke was noticeably quiet today, and Murphy began to give her a hard time. "Not much to say today, Wonder Woman?" He pokes at her shoulder while they stand in line. "Any chance to save the world? Or did you give up on that too."

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