Six || Chapter Fifteen

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The rest of the week went as quickly as it came. Bellamy had to do a few call in shifts, and high left Clarke moping around his apartment. Lining the countertops with her fingertips while holding their puppy close against her chest. She did have a name, still, and Bellamy was pressuring to pick one. But she shrugged off his boy-like qualities, kissing him sweetly before he left for work. Rubbing her knuckles against the scruff that was beginning to grow in across his jaw. She loved it, made him look older and more mature. When her wore his glasses it threw her over the edge, a contagious smile gleaming from her lips.

Two days later Bellamy, Clarke and their unnamed fur baby made their way the airport, luggage in tow. Clarke was excited to go back home and feel the sand wiggle
between her toes. And as stupid as it sounded she couldn't wait to get behind the bar again. Making strange concoctions. However, on the trip she had been doing a lot of drawing. Sketching out the fine line of Bellamy's jaw while he fell asleep at the side of the pool. His lips softly parted while his eyelids fluttered so carefully.

When they reached the airport, Bellamy quickly checked their bags and met Clarke by security. "What do you mean, that's ridiculous!" Clarke was making a low grumble in her voice, the one she had when she was annoyed. Her arms crossed as she stared down the overbuilt security guard. She held the small puppy in her purse.

Bellamy hoped in behind her, wrapping his hand around her waist. "What's the problem?"

"We can't let the dog on without special accommodations. Only therapy and service dogs allowed." He says so nonchalantly like reading it right out of a pamphlet.

After bickering back and forth between Bellamy and security for a solid fifteen minutes and switching their seats not once, but twice, they're finally able to board the plane. Clarke is clearly frazzled and annoyed and only giving short answers. 'Yes.' 'No.' 'Sure.' 'Whatever.' Bellamy held her close for comfort but not even that was able to make her feel better within the moment. Her fingers gripped tightly into her palms. "Name?" The guard asked.

Clarke huffed, "Griffin... Clarke."

The guard wandered his eyes up. "The dog."

"The dog?" Bellamy and Clarke ask in unison.

"The dog, we need the dogs name."

Bellamy looks to Clarke and she's huffing, trying not to put on a show, but absolutely beside herself with how difficult this whole thing could be. He nudged her forward and she snarled. Clarke didn't like to be rushed on things, poked or prodded. Bellamy awaited her reaction with tight lips.

Clark made an exasperated sigh and looked up to the gate number. "Six." She states plainly, relaying the number above her. "Her name is Six." The guard shakes his head and writes down the three letters before pushing them through with a tag around the dogs next.

It made for an interesting ride, that's for sure. Holding the dog tightly on her lap, brushing her fingertips through her wavy fur. Bellamy watched her from the outside seat, lining her lips with his eyes and examining every freckle upon her clean complexion. She didn't say much for the flight, snacked on crackers and stared out the window as they soared through the clouds. Her eyes small and tired until she fell asleep on her own shoulder. The puppy, now named Six, curled up into her lap. Bellamy pressed his lips to her temple, softly, not to wake her, before taking a nap himself.

Later that evening and a long flight later, Bellamy and Clarke met up with their friends at Lincolns apartment. She was in a much better mood than before but still not feeling herself. It was like the moment she smelt the ocean air she perked up and was filled with energy. She was happy to be home and see her friends. Since her mother cut her off, they were really the only family she had.

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