Diary entry 11.

120 6 0

22 May



Today I decided to try again, maybe being with her would make her realize that she liked me. But why did she like me? Yeah, because she didn't know the real me. But what if she finds out who I really am? Will she agree to stay with me or leave me alone?

I saw her sitting outside in the park with a book in her hand, and she read it with such concentration, her eyebrows furrowed together as if it was something serious that was going on in the scene. She placed the book down as she picked up her water bottle to drink some water and that's when she saw me. A smile forming on her lips, but it didn't reach her eyes. She was still not over yesterday's events.

It was something big for someone like her, someone who has never been kissed before. She radiated innocence, by every way and that's what made me want her more. The word like slowly turning into love or maybe something more than that.

I walked towards her as I smiled at her, I knew what effect I had on her, and decided to use it to get closer to her. I sat down beside her, a little too close as I saw her shift beside me. I heard her heart beating faster than usual. And a smirk formed on my lips.

She asked what I was doing here as I told her I came here to work out, the sweat on me was enough for her to believe me. I knew she was too distracted because of our closeness.

"Alicia, do you like someone?" I asked her out of the blue, catching her off guard. It took her some moments to recover and she nodded but then shook her head, unsure of her answer as I chuckled at her cuteness.

"But what if I tell you that- I like you?" I spoke a sudden burst of confidence inside me made me say these words out loud as she looked at me, her eyes wide.

She stuttered with her words, making her look more cute. "W-what?"

"I really like you Alicia." I spoke again, just to make her sure that I really did. This wasn't the type of confession I hoped for but it was still enough for me. At least I let out my feelings and I felt a lot better after saying that. While she on the other hand seemed too nervous to answer my question.

I assured her that she didn't have to like me back, that I just wanted to tell this to her and that she can tell me how she feels after thinking about it. As I left again but not before kissing her cheek, it felt so good for finally kiss her even though it was just on the cheek but it was enough to make me smile and make my heart flutter which was unusual.

As I saw her cheeks go red by the sudden move, making me grin at her innocence as I left her there alone once again, to give her some space. I was ready to give her all the time in the world if it meant she will be mine after all of this.

When I got home I found V there. Who stopped me from going inside my room.

"You really shouldn't fall in love with her. The consequences-" I stopped him midway.

"You're nobody to tell me what to do with my feelings. It's better if you stay out of this V." I spat back as I jerked his hand off of my shoulder and went inside my room. Too fed up of listening to the same words again and again.



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