Diary entry 18.

108 6 0

4 June



When I got back home the other day after spending my best moments with Alicia, I found V sitting on the sofa, anger evident on his face. No he wasn't angry, he was furious, his face was red. And the veins on his arms and neck were clearly visible.

"What did you do?!" He shouted at me, his eyes a dark shade of black as he pushed me back, trapping me between the wall and him. Fear took over me for a moment but then it faded.

"What the fuck V? Leave me." I ordered too shocked by his sudden mood swings.

"You have her scent on you. You had sex with her, didn't you?" He asked, his eyes still black but a forced smile playing on his lips. Why the fuck did it even matter to him?

"Yes, yes I did." I replied confidently.

"Fuck!" He cursed as his fist came in contact with the wall behind me, leaving a big hole there. Blood oozed out of his knuckles but he seemed least effected by it.

"You-you made me do this. Remember this Park Jimin, I was forced to do this because of you!" He spoke loudly through gritted teeth, the anger never fading away and that's when he left the house.

I stood still for a couple of moments, still shocked by everything that happened.

"You-you made me do this. Remember this Park Jimin, I was forced to do this because of you." His words rang inside my head as realization hit me.

I ran as fast as I could towards her house, cursing when I nearly got hit by a car.

"Alicia?!" I shouted when I reached her door, finding it already unlocked.

"Fuck, I swear if V does something to her, I'll rip him apart." I mumbled under my breathe, trying to keep myself calm because I knew freaking out isn't the solution right now.

I called her name again, and I heard something fall down, I followed the noise and entered inside her bedroom, a sudden horror engulfing my whole body when I saw V already standing there, a huge knife in his hand. My eyes traveled towards Alicia to find her tied to the bed, not letting her get up, she looked at me, fear shown clearly in her eyes and on her face. She looked helpless. I wanted to cry but I stopped myself. I can stop him, I need to stop him. He can't do this to me.

"V don't do this." I spoke, my voice breaking but he didn't even budge, a sinister smile playing on his lips, as he tightly held the knife in his hands.

"I'm sorry Jimin but I can't let you have her." He spoke. The knife moving up and down her bare stomach, I knew if I stepped forward he won't take a moment to stab her. For the first time in months I felt helpless again.

"Why, Why are you doing this to me V?" I spoke, I felt a tear escaping my eye, I cried, another human emotion that I left behind a long time ago.

"Look at you, going weak for a girl. I didn't accept you so that you could fall in love with her and leave me." He spoke, then stopped but he wasn't done yet, "I-I thought we could have a happy ending Jimin, but she had to come between us." His voice coming out in a whisper, as he pressed the knife against her skin, a small stream of blood escaping out of her skin. What did he mean by this?

"V please don't do this, please don't take my happiness away from me." I begged to him as I took a step towards them. He was too zoned out in explaining his feelings and I took advantage of it as I ran towards him at the speed I've never used before, inhuman. I never wanted to do this in front of her but I had to.

I pulled him away from Alicia catching him off guard but he was a lot quicker than me, I felt a sharp pain at the side of my stomach as I felt my body go weak, he stabbed me, blood flowed out of my body uncontrollably, as I put my hand there in hope the pain would ease up. I looked back at him, he looked like a psychopath with that smile on his face and that wild look in his eyes. No longer the calm and organized V I knew.

He threw me away as if I weighed nothing and walked towards Alicia again.

"Let's see why he loves you a lot." He spoke, playfully. But I knew what was coming next, as he climbed up the bed, straddling her. She tried to scream but the cloth stuffed in her mouth made it unable for her to do so.

I tried to get up before he could lay a hand of her as I spotted a iron bar near the bed. This was my only chance, I got up, a lot weaker than usual because of all the blood loss and went towards them. My anger increasing after every second when I saw him lean closer to her and place a kiss on her neck, his hands roaming all over her body hungrily. This was enough to trigger me and I picked up the rod and slammed it against his head, as he screamed in pain and then lost consciousness. I quickly untied Alicia and pulled her away from him, who still lay unable to move. I didn't have the courage to kill him, he meant a lot to me, he was like a brother to me and I can't kill my own brother.

"Let's get you somewhere safe." I whispered when she hugged me and cried, my heart sinking after seeing her in this state. Although I knew, no place is safe from V.

We both walked away from him towards the door but I felt her halt in her steps suddenly, making me look back at her questioningly.

"J-Jimin." Her voice came out broken and forceful as if she was trying her best to speak. My question was soon answered when I saw a dark red stain forming on her shirt. And I saw V walking in front of me from behind her. A satisfied smile on him.

"Oh look Jimin, it's 11:11. Come on, ask her to make a wish."

My mouth hung low at everything that happened, she soon fell down, unable to stand on her feet and I placed her head on my lap, tears freely flowing from my eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, I l-love you P-Park Jim-in." She whispered barely audible as I broke down in tears as I heard those words escape from her lips.

"I love you too. I love you too." I spoke, as I held her close to me, she hugged me back but after a few seconds her grip loosened. And she was gone, she left me just like everybody else did.

I held her, crying my heart out. V left long time ago, but I didn't. I couldn't leave my Alicia behind all alone in this house now can I?




Lmao this chapter was longer than usual but I had to complete the scene in this chapter tho.

Also there are like 2 more chapters left.

and Just know that Taehyung can never do this, it's a Another Universe story so I had to make him the bad guy, if it offended someone then I sincerely apologize.

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