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Rachel didn't know that Kenadee was pregnant. Thankfully Neve and Poppy had kept it quiet. But they didn't know that Adam knew about it.

When morning came, Kenadee woke up and saw Adam sitting on her bed. "Get out!" She yelled.

"Keep that mouth of yours shut. Or else I will tell mummy your little secret about that baby," Adam spat.

Kenadee paled. She didn't know how Adam had found out. She needed to keep it quiet. "If you tell her, I'll tell her what you did to me," Kenadee hissed as she got out of bed.

Adam grabbed her and threw her onto the floor. Kenadee landed on her stomach. "Ow."

"Keep it shut you little slut," he spat. He walked out quickly.

Kenadee walked downstairs and tried to hide the feelings of pain. She grabbed some breakfast. Both Neve and Poppy could tell that something was bothering Kenadee. "Kenny, is everything alright?" Poppy asked.

Kenadee just nodded. She rubbed her stomach. Rachel noticed. "It's coming up to that time of the month huh?" She asked.

"Yeah. I guess," she mumbled.

Poppy went to get ready for school. Neve went to see Kenadee. "What's happened? You look like you've been in severe pain all morning," she said.

Kenadee wiped her tears away. She looked at her sister. "Adam, he pushed me and I landed on my stomach," she said.

Neve nodded. "Okay, let's get you checked out at hospital. You need to know if there's been any damage to the baby," she said.

Neve and Kenadee snuck out the house. Poppy had agreed to cover for them. She didn't want Kenadee to lose her baby.

They arrived at the hospital. Neve walked over to the reception. "My sister is six months pregnant. She had a fall and landed on her stomach."

"Right. We'll get her seen to immediately," the receptionist said.

Kenadee had been taken into a room. A midwife came in. "I hear you've had a fall. Shall we check on baby?"


The midwife put some gel on Kenadee's stomach. She got the transducer and began the scan. Kenadee laid there in anticipation. She felt relief when she heard a the faint heartbeat of her baby.

"Baby girl seems alright. The damage wasn't too bad," she said.

Neve grinned. "Why didn't you tell me you were having a girl?" She asked.

Kenadee sighed. "I'm giving her up for adoption. Adam knows about her now so I can't keep her. It's better if she goes to someone who will love her more than what I can," she said.

Neve felt so bad for her sister. She hugged her. "Whoever gets your little girl, they'll be so lucky," she said.

Kenadee and Neve walked to school. Kenadee was crying. "Kenny, what's wrong?" Neve asked.

Kenadee looked at her sister. "I wanted her to be my little girl so badly. Just when I got used to the idea I was going to be a mum, he had to ruin it," she sobbed.

Neve held her sister close to her. She didn't know how to comfort her. "It's going to be alright. I promise," Neve said.

Kenadee looked at her sister. "Why can't I have one thing without it being taken?"

Kenadee and Neve were sitting by the canal. Kenadee was in tears. "I've been buying little dresses for her and blankets. I planned to tell mum about her the day she's born. But, Adam said he'll tell mum. I can't keep her now can I? It wouldn't be fair to her."

"Kenny, she's your baby. You can keep her if you want to keep her. No one can force you into adopting her out," Neve said.

Kenadee wiped her away the tears. "Neve, how can I keep her? I don't know who her father is. I don't know what she'll look like. I don't want to see her and be reminded of Adam. I could have passed the baby off as John's. He said he would take her on as his own," she said.

"Do that then. All Adam can do is blackmail you. He doesn't need to know that she could be his," Neve explained.

Kenadee shook her head. "It's easier if I give her away. That way she won't ever know she has a messed up mum who can't do anything right," she said

Neve watched as Kenadee rubbed her stomach. She was going to be the one who helped Kenadee out. Kenadee was her sister and she wasn't letting her down. No matter what.

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