amen omen

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I don't know where you came from
And I don't know where you've gone.
Old friends become old strangers
Between darkness and the dawn

After the gun fight was over, One of the paramedics took care of Steve’s fresh made wound under his eye. They cleaned it and told him it was gonna go away soon. Danny showed up a few minutes later, hands on his pocket, a stern expression on his face. Steve tried really hard to avoid that dangerous look he had but knowing Danny he wouldn’t let him go that easy.

“you wanna tell me what happened?” asked Danny.
Steve puffed his lips “I don’t know. What does it look like?”
“it looks like she kicked your ass my friend”
“nice. Thank you Danny you are very helpful.” Steve stood up, he passed Danny to get to his car when suddenly he heard his title and name coming from a dime what familiar voice. He looked behind him and sat Detective Stewart coming to his direction. He rolled his eyes, huffing “not this guy again!”

“commander Mcgarrett, we meet again sooner than I expected.”
“yeah, a pleasure indeed"

Danny stood next to Steve, watching the conversation unfold.
“I thought i made myself clear in your office.”
“clear about what?”
“you don’t wanna play games with me Steve. I know you know she’s alive. You probably already know where she is-"

Steve crossed his arms “I don’t”
“that’s a bit hard to believe”
“I don’t much care what you believe detective.”
“how about this then?” David took off his sunglasses “You bring Amelia to my office in the next 24 hours or I will arrest you and your team for helping a criminal.”

Danny shrugged and scoffed at the same time. “excuse me?”

“you threaten my team again, you and I are gonna have a problem detective!” warned Steve, stepping forward.
“we already have a problem Commander. She’s your problem and she’s my problem and I suggest you cooperate and help me solve it or we will be having a completely different kind of conversation tomorrow.”

“ok if I may intervene-“ Danny slid himself between Steve and Detective Stewart. “Here’s the thing detective Daniel-“
“its David!” he corrected
“sure Dave, whatever you prefer. It’s not wise to um… poke the beast-" he smiled “if you know what I mean cause my friend- he doesn’t do well with threats or warnings. You say you wanna work together, let’s work together. For starters who were those man with the guns that almost killed us all?”
“CIA is not the only one that wants their hands on that drive”

“that doesn’t really answer my friend’s question, does it?” commented Steve.
“Listen here, your other friend that you are trying to hide, leaked some important files and as I already said to you Steve, She’s charged with murders too. I’m sure you know CIA doesn’t like hide and seek that much-"
“alright hold on a second detective! I know that woman, she’d never leak those files if agents' lives were on the line-“ Said Steve, raising his voice.

“with all due respect commander the new shiner under your eye says otherwise.”
“ok I understand the situation is complicated” said Danny “but you don’t know that girl the way we do!”

“you’re right detective Williams!” he looked directly at Steve’s eyes when saying his next sentence “I haven’t slept with her.”
The second those word came our his mouth Steve moved forward to punch the guy, Danny stopped his last minute by putting his arm in front of him. Danny looked up at their new friend smiling “you really shouldn’t have said that pal.”

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