let it all go

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There's a light on the road and I think you know
Morning has come and I have to go

On Friday Steve went to work like any other day. The news had travelled fast about Amelia, chin had told Kono after Amelia came back from Steve and Kono told Danny. Grover seemed to be the only one that didn't mind considering he didn't know the girl that well anyway. When Steve got to the office everyone looked at him like they were expecting him to explode sooner or later but he seemed calm and composed which worried Danny even more. The whole day Danny would examine Steve, his reactions, his eyes that sometimes seemed to be looking at things that weren't there. His incredible loud silence and even the way he held on the steering wheel while he drove around the island. Unlike most of the times, Danny stayed silent too, it seemed to him there was nothing he could say to make the situation better and anything he had to say wasn't something Steve wanted to hear.

"you're awfully silent" pointed Steve, while he kept his eyes on the street.
"hm?" Danny turned to him a little confused.
"I'm saying considering the circumstances you're incredibly silent which- knowing you- means you're preparing to an entire speech by the end of the day so why don't you save us both the agony and say what you wanna say-"
"how is it that when I talk to you, you tell me to shut up and when I don't you tell me to speak- it doesn't make any sense"
"Your silence doesn't make any sense either- you obviously want to sat something so just go ahead and say it-"
"for the record I didn't think you'd want to talk about it-"
"Danny when the hell has that stopped you before? This is the perfect opportunity for you to talk about bunnies and animal planet and be the Jersey version of dr. Phil and you expect me to believe that you have nothing to say-?"
"I do have something to say- I just don't think you're gonna like it."

Steve glanced quickly at Danny, raising his eyebrows and then back at the road. "I'm not gonna like it?"
"no you're not so why don't we wait until we get back to the office so you don't crash the car in a telephone booth or something."
"no chance- you'll say it now"
"you'll force me into talking? Why am I the one being Interrogated?" he complained
"would you do us both a favor and open your goddamn mouth?"
"alright fine! You want me to talk? I think you're overreacting!"
"excuse me?"

Danny sat in a way so he's body would point towards Steve, getting comfier in his seat.
"I can see you're mad-"
"I'm not mad Danny" he snapped, cutting him midsentence. Danny nodded ironically "I'm not mad, I'm confused and maybe I'm mad-"
"maybe?" mumbled Danny
"listen here if she wants to go she is free to go! I'm not mad she's leaving, I'm mad that she let me believe there might be a chance-"
"just because you believed it, doesn't mean it's her fault-"
"Whose side are you on?" he yelled
"I told you, you were not gonna like it- and I'm not on anybody's side Steve- I'm just making a point!"
"your point is invalid"
"my points are perfect, thank you very much- I understand that you're angry and you have a right to be angry but maybe- maybe her leaving is not such a bad thing." Danny sighed "She's not ok Steve and no offense but you're not ok either and you both have issues- big issues that you need to fix by yourselves before you get back in a relationship. She just lost a man she loved very much and she's hurt and so are you and you complete each other, that's true but maybe at this point in time, you need space, both of you." Danny took Steve's silence as means to go on "Look I'm just trying to see it from her perspective and frankly I don't think her reasons for going away are as insane as you make them up to be. She needs rest and she cant do that here, she needs to clean herself-"
"clean herself?" repeated Steve annoyed
"yes clean- whatever you wanna call it- she needs to let go of all the ghosts and she cant do that here with you over her shoulder twenty four hours a day-"
"I wasn't going to be over her shoulder twenty-four hours a day-"
"yes you would, we all would."
"what about family Danny? What about staying with your family? Getting help-"
"its not about us- that's your problem you're taking it personally. It's about her, she needs to start over- hit reset and build herself again. Marcel is gone, that's all her life has been about- she has lost sense of who she is and she cant find it here because all she sees it's her past." He thought carefully about his next sentence "for all that matters, I don't think she'll he gone forever. I think she'll be back soon. But you gotta give her space, you two have to grow apart before you even think about trying to be a couple again. I truly believe It's what's best for both of you and you'll see that if you two ever get back together, when you do, you'll be much happier."
"its not about that." Steve whispered, his tone calmer than before. Danny gestured for him to continue "it's not about us being like we were-"

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