say something

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And I am feeling so small
It was over my head
I know nothing at all

“you sure the doctor said it’s alright to leave?” asked Danny, helping Steve put his clothes in one of the bags. He was worried about him getting out of the hospital so early after everything that he went through. He had his doubts about how honest he was with him.
“for 100th time Danny if you don’t believe me you can go ask him yourself."
“You don’t have to yell at me super soldier- I’m just saying, maybe its best of you stay in another day-"
“I’m fine day! I’ve been here two days, that’s enough.”
“and you sure you’re not leaving just to impress somebody else-"
“impress who? What are you on about?” Steve put the bag around his shoulder and walked out of his room. Danny dropped it knowing that Steve would never admit to it. They headed to Danny’s car, outside of the hospital. Steve put his bag on the back of the car and walked to the front of the car, Danny placed his hand in front of the door, blocking him.

“what do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m driving.”
“no you’re not.”
“Danny would you please step out of the way?”
“you can't drive!”
“I said I’m fine Danny-“
“with all due respect I don't trust you and I don’t wanna see my car tied around a telephone booth, alright? You’re not driving- you have two choices, you’ll either walk to komakono's shrimp truck or you’ll sit your ass on the passengers seat and let me drive.”

Steve let out a deep breath, a winning one for Danny, since he was obviously giving up on the argument. Steve walked around the car to the passenger seat and let Danny drive for ones, it was admirable indeed.

Meanwhile the girls, Amelia and Kono were a few miles away on a beautiful shop with all sort of wedding dresses, in different styles. Since Amelia’s time to Hawaii was short they decided to go find the dress together, have some fun before she had leave again. Kono was trying on one of the dresses while Amelia was checking out the rest. It felt like every dress had a different kind of smell, she stroked the fabrics gently with the fingers, it felt so special. She was never the kind of girl that planned her wedding day and dreamed about dresses and grooms, somehow all that was never apart of her future dreams. Weddings seemed so unnecessary to her but she had admit the dresses were magical and to wear one of them must be magical too.

“can I help you?” asked a kind lady behind her, Amelia turned around immediately, hitting her shoulder on the hanger. She laughed awkwardly at her reaction and shook her head.
“no. Thanks- I’m not the one looking actually- my friend-"
“sure you were. I’ve seen that look before, maybe you’re not the one getting married but you were looking.”
“well since I’m not getting married I don't think its of much importance.”
“oh don’t be silly of course it is- follow with me-"
“I’m really not-"
“here.” She said pulling out a dress from the other corner of the room. It was a long A-line wedding dress, simple in matters of style. It had no sleeves and the top was decorated with white tiny flowers and  There was only a small bow in the waist that stood out from the rest.

She walked closer, hesitantly taking it in her hands. The lady surely hadn’t fallen that far with her choice. “we have more complicated styles but you look like the sort of girl that wants something less extraordinary. Also a natural dress matches better with your natural beauty, your curls will stand out in the bare shoulders of the dress and your silhouette will stand out. Most importantly with a beautiful face like yours, there shouldn’t to many things on the dress, they will only steal away from your beauty” the lady smiled “simple and unique, much like you.”
“you’re too kind" mumbled Amelia, without taking her eyes away from the dress. She walked with it in front of the closest mirror and held it in front of her body, for a second forgetting that she was here for Kono.
“the man that will marry you in the dress will be a lucky one.” Said the lady and Amelia couldn’t help but let her mind wonder for a second, daydream about walking down the aisle, saying her vows, the rings, all her thoughts vanished when she heard Kono’s voice.

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