turn around

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Everyone's roaring
Everyone's raining
Everyone's pouring
Turn around, my love

Amelia Wesley hid behind a wall with Hunter beside her. They were both out of breath but I guess running to that speed for 20 minutes would do that to you. Hunter bowed down to his knees, trying to slow down the beating of his heart that felt like it was going to beat out of his chest.

“who were they-?” he asked, his voice barely coming out in between the struggle to breath.
“Marcel’s man I think- they must have heard CIA got me. They wanted to finish the job.”
“news travels faster than it should.” He raised his head huffing and held his lungs. Amelia felt his eyes examining her, her wounds on her face by the fight she had with one of the man, the larger scar on the side of her forehead that was bleeding.

“what happened with that guy?”
“after I heard the e explosion he came in my room, he tried to take me with him- he didn’t want me dead.”

Amelia lowered her head, she looked at her bloody hands, the red stains were bringing back memories she wished she could forget. She hid them in her pockets, avoiding the pain as she had learned to do in the last 4 years. “it doesn’t matter" she said quickly “I heard there was a third upload. We need to find it- Hold on where the hell did you get that phone from?”
Hunter looked at her like a guilty puppy “I borrowed it”
“you mean stole?”
“no! I mean borrowed! Took it from a lady while we were running. I'll leave it in a dumpster after we are done and if she has the ‘track-my-phone' application, she'll find it.”
“what if she doesn’t Hunter?”
“how is that my problem?” he asked raising his voice and throwing his hands in the air like he was innocent. Amelia shut her eyes and drew a thing line with her lips, obviously this conversation wouldn’t go anywhere.

“just get on a line with Madds, ask her for the location, I have an idea-"
“you have an idea?” he repeated, irony dripping from his voice “The passengers in titanic had an idea, look what happened to them”
“would you stop yelling-"
“Darling listen to me if we go after the location, chances are CIA will be there- Stewart will get us again and prince charming will raise his gun again and I gotta be honest with you this time I’ll shoot him!”
“what exactly are you suggesting hunter?”
“we run!” he said it as if it was the obvious answer, looking at her like he was expecting her to do it “we get a line on madds, then we get on a plane and we leave. We go hide, start a normal life, leave all of this behind-"
“no chance” she raised her finger “you know better than to ask that of me Hunter! I cant just walk away-"
“THE FILES ARE OUT AMS! AND THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! Its done Amelia, now we have a chance to get out, let them worry about it, we walk, we live out of this madness”

“hunter it’s my responsibility-"
“you did your best-" he yelled “you sacrificed four years of your life! It’s time for you to take back what you lost-" he stopped himself mid sentence. Amelia saw his expression changing like something suddenly dawned on him, something he had been missing this entire time. He scoffed at himself and rubbed his face. Amelia stepped back, she felt so exposed “how bloody stupid of me" he mumbled “taking it all back is exactly what you’re doing, isn’t it? This is not about your responsibility is it?”

“hunter come on-"
“you just wanna clean your name so you can come back here and live your romance with him-"
“YES YOU ARE- I SCREWED UP ALRIGHT? My dad left this for me be Cause he believed that I could finish his work and I messed up. The least I can do is make the people that started this pay- I cant just walk away like nothing ever happened- this is on ME hunter!”

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