no rest for the wicked.

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There'll be no rest for the wicked
There's no song for the choir.

Amelia Wesley was wearing her grey hoodie while walking down the familiar streets.

The sound of the sea was bringing back so many memories. Nostalgia was a feeling, Amelia thought she would never feel for this island but life had different plans for her. She always thought that she would stay here forever. Grow up and grow old right by the sea and all the palm trees. Next to all the people she loved.

She laughed at that thought. All the people she had imagined growing up with were dead, let alone that one of them had tried to kill her before dying.
And then there was that smell. The smell of the flowers and sea and wind. Everything combined together. The feeling of the sun on her cheeks and just the spirit of this island were making her shiver. Even the memory of the governor couldn't take that feeling away. Even all the blood that had been spilt, wasn't enough to make her hate this island. Perhaps that was her weakness, she’d always return where she belonged. She had been born, lived and died on this island.

Most of her demons were captured away by now, Wo Fat was in a max security prison as far as she knew. Marcel was still out there but she was getting closer everyday.

“hey ghost"

Amelia smiled at the sound of her friend's voice. She turned around and ran to her. Hugging her tightly. Kono returned the hug without hesitation. She was the only thing that had remained as it was from her past life. She and herself, together, against the world forever.

“I’ve missed you so much" whispered kono, holding her tighter.
“I know me too.”

Amelia pulled back. She wanted to take off her sunglasses, sit with her in front of this beautiful view and talk for hours about everything but she didn’t have the time “how’s Adam?”

“he’s hiding In a safe house. Thanks to you giving us the warning in time.”
“its not over yet kono. Hes gonna have to stay put much longer.”
“I know we are taking our precautions. We'll be careful.”
Amelia smiled “good.”

“what about you? You’re in more danger than any of us. Marcel and Wo Fat will find out you are still alive sooner or later. They will look for you”
“and this time I will be prepared- do you have the location I asked you for?”

“yes I tracked it down and sent it on your phone a while ago. You sure you can do this alone?”
“I mean what’s the worst thing that can happen? I’ve already died twice right?”
“not funny! I’m serious Ams. Two years ago you said you were close to ending it. You made me promise I wouldn’t tell chin but Ams it’s been so long and if something happens to you-"
“nothing is going to happen to me. You know I have to end this. I’m the only one who can.” She placed her hand on her shoulder, smiling “And then hopefully one day we can surf again like the old days.”
“it will never be like the old days Ams. You know that, that’s part of the reason you don’t wanna come back. Isn’t it? You’re afraid of their reaction.”

Her hand dropped, she looked at her feet, avoiding konos eyes “how is he doing?”
“he's good. He still misses you. Sometimes when we are having an argument he'll say your name. He tries to hide it but he’s still hurting." She paused, sighing “chin too.”

Amelia looked up and crossed her arms. She gazed at her friend, giving her one last smile “I have to get going.”


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