Raise Hell

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Young blood, stand and deliver
No need for a queen affair
Young blood, gotta pull the trigger
When the whole world running scared

Amelia Wesley was bought in a cell, she laid on the bed looking at the ceiling with her hands on her stomach. There were drops of water falling from the wall because of the humidity in the room. She concentrated on them, drop by drop, watched them as they fell on her white sheets. One, two, three, four… twenty. They would never stop. It kept her mind busy so she wouldn’t have to think about all the ghosts. Funny how time went by so slow in moments like these, the night seemed endless, long enough for the spider in the corner to create her new home, long enough for the bed to get wet by all the drops, long enough for her mind to go mad from all the repeating sounds. She wanted to ran away, like she ran away that night her parents died, she wanted to go on the nearest beach and stay there until she was buried in sand. She didn’t sleep, she couldn’t. Every time she closed her eyes she saw his face or she thought about all the damage she had done, she had to keep her eyes on the drops.

She assumed that the new day had dawned when she heard the door to her cell buzzing open, she sat up on her bed and stared at the door. It was David in his expensive suit and righteous smirk. He shut the door and leaned again it, smiling down at her. “you look like shit.”

“I'm locked up. What's your excuse?"

David scoffed and sat on the chair in the corner of the room. He put his hands on his knees, watching her. “I have to admit I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time.”

“your life must be very boring then"
“no!” he raised his finger “on the contrary it is very interesting. Yours on the other hand- it doesn’t look so good from here.” He grinned, laying back on his chair and crossing his arms “let me help you"

“you brought me here and now you want to help?”
“you’re charged with murders, treason, terrorism and identity fraud among other crimes. If you ever wanna see the light of the sun again you can cooperate with us and we will cut you a deal.”
“I thought you just wanted to get the person that killed your precious agents.”
“they’re dead. We cant bring them back- on the other hand..” he stood up “the files you have. We can really use that.” He smiled “but before we go on that- I just, I need to know how the hell you got your hands on them in the first place.”
“some dads leave money or houses or cooking recipes- my dad left me a box that can ruin the United States.” She smirked “all families are different detective Stewart"

He slipped his hands in his expensive pockets, nodding. He sat on the edge of the bed, smiling “it’s a shame you lost it"

“it really is" she whispered, smiling back at him.

“it must have been of great sentimental value.” He sighed “I had a couple of photographs of my parents on my phone, one day my phone slips in the ocean- and I lost all of them.” He shook his head “terrible, so so terrible but you know what? Turns out one day I made a back up and I didn’t even remember it.” He looked at her, irony was shining in his eyes as clearly as color green “maybe you have a back up too.”

Amelia snorted “that would have been very comfortable indeed.” She shrugged “but I guess I’m just not that smart.”

“you’re a bitch but you’re not idiot.” He stood up “you’re smart! I know there's a second copy somewhere Amelia and I will find it eventually. Do yourself a favor and help me find it and I will make sure you wont spend the rest of your life in prison.”

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