keep you safe

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Anywhere the river flows
Anyway the trade winds blow
You don't have to face it on your own

The door buzzed and opened and kono saw the sweet little girl sitting before her eyes, eyes red, cheeks pale. Matilda was unrecognizable under the dim light of the interrogation room, there was so much darkness around. Her face looked like a sketch that didn’t look like st her, a painting that was missing the usual innocence in her eyes and the usual grin. Kono sat across from her, placing her hands on the table. Matilda stared at the floor but dark circles under her eyes were saying enough.

“we got your phone from the lab. We know you’ve been in contact with marcel for almost a year. we got you confessing you helped leak and theres no way you are not gonna go to prison but you can help yourself, explain to us what happened and tell us where you have your copies-"
“I did what I had to do.” She murmured
“hunter is dead Matilda, I’m pretty sure that’s not what you wanted.” She leaned closer “I think it goes without saying but I’m the nice cop. If you don’t talk to me, McGarrett will take over and he will be less polite. So do yourself a favor and tell us the truth-"
Matilda gulped shd sniffed, she looked like a scared little girl that hadbtoken her mother’s favorite vase. “I never meant for all this to happen" she whimpered “after my father died- it was so unfair.”
“why did you do it Madds?”

She rubbed her nose with her arm “marcel contacted  me a few months after his death. I didn’t know who he was at first- Amelia and hunter were away at the time. He told me she did it, she triggered the explosives that night. He said it was because my father would give her up and she didn’t want that- he asked me to find him the files and then said he’d make her pay in return for the death of my father.” She looked up at kono “one night I got w chance to copy everything and gave it to him. Next thing I know he starts uploading everything"

“that's when detective Stewart contacted you"
“and you helped him find hunter and Amelia in hawaii"
“so marcel leaked the files to force Amelia to get back in Hawaii, meanwhile you help David and CIA find her so they’d lock her up. You put the explosives in the room, wait for them get them and when they do you trigger the explosion so marcel's men can get in and kill her?” kino paused thinking “why not just kill her in her sleep.”
“that would have been a kindness.” She whispered. “marcel thought it’d be much harder to watch the one she loves die in Hawaii, he didn’t only want to take her life, he wanted her suffer.”
“he or you?”

Kono sighed and shrugged “both. But hunter was never meant to die, it would be you or Steve or chin… you were the targets not hunter, Marcel changed the plan last minute.”

Kono sat straighter “so when you say you didn’t mean this to happen- you only mean hunter dying.”

“Hunter was a good man. None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for her! Sge destroys everything she touches-“
“marcel was the one that killed your Madds. Not Amelia. He set a trap for her that night, it was all planned from the beginning. He’s the one responsible for the explosion he meant to kill Amelia and when that didn’t happen he made sure it looked like she did it. Then he came to you and…” kono scoffed “you made it so easy for him. You found the files from him, you gave them to him- he used you and you fell for it.”
“all I know is that if she had never came in our lives, we’d all be alive.”

Kono knew there was no point on continuing the conversation, Matilda was broken and broken people don’t change their mind that often. She continued by asking her about the drives, asking whether she knew where they were kept but she didn’t know, so she left the room and shut the door behind her. Detective Stewart met her on the hallway, he smiles and hides his hands in his pocket.

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