Breath of life

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I was looking for a breath of life,
A little touch of heavenly light
But all the choirs in my head sang no (I believe it)
To get a dream of life again
A little vision of the start and the end
But all the choirs in my head sang no

Just like they agreed neither of them said anything to the team during the ceremony. They danced and drank maybe a few drinks too many and laughed as if they had no worry in the world. They went back home together, Amelia didn’t want to leave him alone and just as she expected ones they were away from everyone else his expression darkened and his aura became heavier. She held his hand while he drove them home and for ones didn’t mess with the radio to piss him off. Steve was so good at wearing his bravery and covering his doubts and heartbreaks with it but for whatever reason he had taken the bravery off now that they were alone.

She only let go his hand when they arrived home, he opened the door, let her in and left his keys on the table. He turned to her, smiling weakly “I’ll go have a shower, do you need anything?”
She shook her head slowly, smiling “no, thank you.”
He turned to the stairs but stopped himself a few steps up and looked at her again “do you know what time he'll call?”

She breathed out slowly, looking at him with the her comforting eyes “no, I’m sorry.”
He rubbed his head, nodding and walked upstairs. She stood in the living room, looking for something to do while he was showering but didn’t have any great ideas with what to occupy herself and it seemed like watching TV was the only thing she had to do. There was an action movie on, as hard as she tried concentrating on it was impossible. Stern a while she realized the water had stopped running and Steve still hasn’t showed up, she started getting worried so she walked upstairs slowly. His door was open and there was no sound coming from inside, she walked in hesitantly and saw him sitting on his bed. His wet hair were dripping on his shoulder, h was wearing his understands but his chest was naked. His shoulders seemed so stiff, his veins were almost as vivid as his tattoos. He was staring at the wall and although she couldn’t see his face she couldn’t imagine the way he was frowning. She made some steps closer to him but he still hadn’t noticed her. She sat on the bed with her knees, he still didn’t move. She slid closer to him, he moved his head just a little, like he was acknowledging her but didn’t say anything. She put her one hand around his neck, embracing him and left a kiss on his shoulder before hiding her face on the crook of his neck. He held her arm that was around him, giving it a light squeeze.

“I’m sorry I got distracted” he said in a deep voice. She motioned her head in his neck and without moving her lips from his skin she said
“it’s ok.”

He let out a deep breath, surrendering in her warmth and leaning back on her. They stood like that for a while without saying anything. She just held him, making sure he wouldn’t fall apart.

“you wanna lay down?” she asked
“I don’t think I can sleep Amelia.”
“we don’t have to sleep" she replied quickly. She stroked his arm, her fingers sliding on his tattoos. “come on” she whispered and distanced herself just a little, pulling him on the mattress with her. He laid next to her and they stared in each other’s eyes. She caressed his stubble gently; she gave him comforting and supporting smiles and it must have worked because his eyes softened and his bravery sparked in them again after a while. They spoke very little, made little effort for conversation and there was nothing sexual about it. Sometimes she'd drift away for a few seconds but fought to keep herself awake even when Steve kept telling her it was ok. She'd shake her head and move closer to him, to the point where their noses brushed against each other. She smiled like a teenage girl. Surprisingly he smiled too, an honest smile. He was the one that initiated the kiss, pecking her lips softly like he was begging for an ounce of his favorite alcohol. She was taken by surprise but of course she gave in quickly, kissing his sweetly, leaving all the support in his lips that the words and stares could not give him. They didn't do anything else they just kissed, again and again.

Hawaii 5-O: A Breath Of Life | #2Where stories live. Discover now