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We all are living in a dream
But life ain't what it seems
Oh everything's a mess

Steve stood in the balcony of the Lolani Palace. He looked at the view which he had seen a million times before. His mind was focused anywhere else but that. The moment she took off her sunglasses this morning was on repeat in his head, the feeling of his heart skipping a beat, his breath stopping. He had only felt that ones before when he found out that his mother was still alive, he never thought he’d have to go through it again. Even know he could feel her ghost standing next to him, he wondered if all the times he had imagined seeing her were actually true. The day he got Wo Fat in Japan, he got it from ab anonymous tip. What if it was her and where was she now?

The Hawaiian air bushed his skin, he closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on that. The air and the earth. He tried to let himself get lost in those sense even for a few moments and for a second it seemed like he succeeded but them he felt someone’s hand on his back and he thought that it was Amelia, he could swear it was her until he turned around and saw Grover. He looked back at the same view, the street and the statue of King Kamehameha.

“is she here yet?” he asked referring to Kono.
“no but she will be here soon.”
Steve sighed, he leaned again the balcony. “if Danny sent you for emotional support tell him I’m fine.”
“oh come on McGarrett you cant hide from him or me. We know you’re not ok. I wouldn’t be ok if I found out my girlfriend came back from the dead.”
“she was not my girlfriend.” He snapped. Usually when he had this argument with Danny, it was just fun and jokes but this time he was mad and he really meant it.

“whatever she was, she’s back. And let me tell you this mcgarrett I know a lover boy when I see it-"
“Grover!” Steve cut him off, standing straighter and raising his hand “whatever me and her had it’s over. I don’t need this talk. I don’t need you guys to go easy on me- Amelia Wesley is a suspect and that’s exactly the way we are treating her.” He said determinedly, looking like he meant every word “and if you don’t, then I will.”

Grover looked down on him and Steve left before there was any time for farther arguing but he didn’t get far. Just as he mad a right turn, chin showed up, out of breath.

“they got Kono! They found her with Amelia and they arrested her.”
“did they get Amelia too?”
“no it’s just her but-" chin showed him his tablet “someone started a second upload. It’s coming from the Hilton Hotel.”
“ok you go with Grover to Kono! I’ll go to the Hilton Hotel with Danny. Come on!”


Amelia rushed in the reception with hunter behind her. They bumped into a few of the civilians but they didn’t stop. They went up from the stairway, jumping up the steps three by three, they knew Detective Stewart would be close behind and there was no time to loose. “what floor did that thing say?”
“you better pray it has a view on the pool.”

Amelia glanced behind her, giving him a confused look.
“jumping of the window is our only option out of here.”
“you think Stewart is gonna lock us in?”
“You don’t?” he paused “do you think Madds got out on time or did he get her?”
“if he did we will get her back.”

They reached the 10th floor, Amelia opened the door to the hallway and they both got in carefully with their guns raised. There was no body on the hall but they could hear loud music from one of the rooms and followed the sound. Amelia knocked on the door a couple of times but there was no answer and

Hunter lost patience so he knocked down the door. A kid in his early 20s was dancing naked in front of the computer, he was so high he didn’t even realize Amelia and Hunter were in his room.

Hawaii 5-O: A Breath Of Life | #2Where stories live. Discover now