never let me go

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And it's peaceful in the deep
'Cause either way you cannot breathe
No need to pray, no need to speak
Now I am under

Amelia felt like the car couldn't get any slower even though Danny was driving as fast as he could. She had been in this position way too many times and every single time the same end would occur. All these years and she still hadn’t found the right way to defeat time or to catch it and stop it. She feared that the same thing would happen again, and what if it was all her mistake in the first place? What if she had stayed? What if he was already dead? What if he wasn't there- she kept thinking of all these things and more when she unexpectedly snapped at Danny, hitting her hand on the front of the car-

“could you go any slower? In think a turtle just passed us-"
“I’m stepping on it Ams? What do you want me to do? Use my super speed powers-"
“oh, please I can really live without your smartass comments right now Danny- “
“Why are you yelling at me?” he shouted back
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me- what if he's dead and I never knew-"
“he’s not dead Amelia!”
“how would you know? And even if he isn’t the way you are driving, I don’t think we'll get there in time-"
“God you two are the same!”

She knocked her hand under the window, letting out her anger in a simple punch. When they finally got to the building, she barely waited for the car to stop before getting out. Danny managed to get ahead of her and led the way in the building. It looked like an actual warehouse. There were people in the counters working, crafting umbrellas or whatever they were doing and they all shouted when they saw the police running in with their guns on the level of their eyes. The started walking down the stairs to basement when an old man tried to stop them-

“you’re not allowed back here-"

Danny punched him out as hard as he could. When he was on the floor, Amelia grabbed him by his shirt “where is he?” she asked him and when she got no answer, she punched him again and again until chin had to pull her away. Two guys with guns came up the stairs, Danny and Grover saw them in time and started shooting. After taking them down Kono and chin run die the stairs, finally reaching the last floor. There were more of Wo fat's guys in there. Amelia grabbed one of them by the neck suffocating him until he passed out. Them he used them as a shield while the others started shooting at her. Danny hit one of them with the back of his gun, Kono hit the most of them, her aim was better than everyone else’s. When a guy tried to hit her from behind, Grover hit him in the leg, making him yell. Chin helped Danny getting farther down the hall until they reached the final door. He took a grenade out and put it in the lock of the door. The door exploded open, smoke and ashes filled the room.

Danny was the one to step forward, through the smoke all he could see were two figures laying down, his body froze. They both seemed dead. It seemed like no one had the courage to get closer, see of Steve was alive. Amelia caught up to them a few seconds later, Kono stopped her from going in and held her arms, trying to stable her, while she shook. Danny took a deep breath, he walked to the bodies, chin was next to him the whole time. Chin checked on Wo Fat, Danny knelt next to Steve. Blood was dripping from his nose and he had multiple bruises on his hands, his eyes closed. He checked at his pulse, his heart stopped while he waited to hear his and thankfully, he did. Danny let put a sigh of relief and looked at chin nodding. Chin signaled at Grover, Grover looked at the girls, giving them a weak smile. They all got in the room. Chin and Danny helped Steve sit up and for a few seconds, he opened his eyes.

“my father" he whispered “where’s my father?”

They all looked at each other confused. No one knew what had happened in this room, no one knew how he possibly beat wo fat and killed him and for sure no one knew why he was asking for his dad. Danny looked directly at Ams, she was shaking her head, covering her mouth with her hand while little by little she was crumbling. She didn’t say anything, so Danny looked back down at Steve “buddy your father died 5 years ago. Remember?” he whispered. No one could stand watching Steve break apart like this, they diverted their eyes. Amelia ran out of the room, she ran up the stairs again, keeping her eyes away from the bodies. She ran until she was outside, until she found air. She took a deep much needed breath and fell on her knees, cuddling herself on the pavement. He was safe, that’s all that mattered. She thanked all the gods she knew and cried out all the anxiety. He was safe, sue repeated in her mind and let relief wash her over like an ocean wave.

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