Chapter 32 ~ New life

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Aunt's P.O.V

'ah these cupcakes are just so pretty' I said to myself while icing the last cupcake in blue, Y/N is gonna loves these, I should probably take them and visit her tonight since I haven't seen her in a while. I'm really surprised Y/N still doesn't have a boyfriend, I mean she's really pretty and well educated. I finished off decorating the cupcakes as my phone rang.

"hello" I said into the phone, as soon as the news hit my ears I ran upstairs tears welling in my eyes, "hyuk hyuk!" I shouted banging on his bedroom door as he immediately opened, "wea eomma? What happened?" he asked panicking after seeing my tears, "its Y/N she's in the hospital, we need to go" "what? Ok ok calm down lets go" he said, as I ran to the car and got in, "which hospital is she in?" Hyuk asked while I was driving, "(Hospital name) Hospital" I said, "what? How did she get there? I mean it's so far" he said, "I don't know let's just get their as soon as possible".

We got to the hospital as we rushed in asking the ward, she was in the accident ward, me and Hyuk ran as soon as possible. We got to her room, where she was on the bed, I opened the door tears welling up, she was asleep with a bandage on her head and very small glass cuts and bruises on her arms and face. I took her hand tears drained down my face, "eomma don't cry, she'll be fine" Hyuk said giving me a hug. Suddenly the door opened with the doctor coming in with a nurse, "and you are?" the doctor asked, "oh I'm her aunt" "well then may I talk to you, I have some news to say" he said as I nodded, "hyuk you stay here, I'll go and come soon" I told him and followed the doctor to his small cabin.

"Is there anything wrong doctor? Please say Y/N is fine", "well we can't really say, her physical body is okay, she is a very lucky survivor, but mentally we can clarify only after she wakes up since she's still unconscious", I nodded sadly, then the doctor handed me small bag, "here is the belongings that could be found" he said handing me the smashed mobile phone and her licence, "we could only see your number on the phone before it broke" he said I nodded, "excuse me doctor" the nurse said coming in, "Y/N has woken" she said, I got up quickly in happiness, "is that so the lets go and check her" the doctor said as I followed them, hyuk was outside, "please stay out until the doctor checks her" the nurse said as me and Hyuk waited outside.

Y/N's P.O.V

I opened my eyes slowly, my whole body feeling weak, I looked about 'where am I' I thought. A doctor came in, "hello Y/N how are you feeling?" he asked, "where am I? What happened?" I asked in confusion, "don't you remember? You got into an accident", "accident? No I don't remember", "can you tell me what you remember?" "I remember I was in the airport" I said, "anything else? After that?" "I don't remember, I'm sorry", "it's okay, Y/N you met in a car accident and now you cannot remember some things, this is called selective amnesia, that means you won't be able to remember some parts of your memory", "what?" I said out loud a tear streaming down my cheeks, the doctor told me some more information and left. I closed my eyes trying hard to remember but it only made my head hurt.

Few minutes later the door opened, "Y/N..Y/N are you okay?" a familiar woman asked running towards me, "aunt? Hyuk? What happened? Aunt please tell me what happened" I said crying in her embrace. "shh shh it's okay, everything going to be fine" she said stroking my head. After a while she told me everything, about me arriving to Korea and living, doing a job, but the most amusing thing was it has been almost 3 months since I came to Korea but I don't remember anything. Soon aunt left saying I should rest, as she went out the door I sighed I could remember my parents death and then I decided to come to korea again, I only remember that I entered the airport in America. I looked around the room as my eyes landed on my hand, where I had a silver infinity ring, 'huh? I don't remember buying this' I thought as I held my hand out and admired it, but I decided to keep it on, some kind of odd vibe kept on telling not to take it off.

*Same day at night* Jimin's P.O.V

"where are you going?" Jin asked as I got dressed to leave, "to meet Y/N" I said, I can't handle it anymore, I want to see her. "Don't go now" Namjoon hyung said, "wea, I have to hyung" I said stomping my feet, "I agree with namjoon hyung" Jungkook said, I looked at him, "I think you should just give Y/N some time to calm down, and anyway it's late now" he said. I took a moment to think and sighed and went back to my room.

Hyuk's P.O.V

"that's all sir" the lorry driver said, I nodded and checked every room to see if we had forgot anything, I couldn't find any clue of where she was working at. Eomma told me to cover up the furniture in white cloth sheets, I kept the front window's curtain a little open so the house won't be dark. We had packed everything up in Y/N noona's house since she would be living with us from tomorrow, I looked at my phone and the time was 9:30pm, I took the keys and locked the door as I got into the small mini lorry which had all the stuff of Y/N noona. we drove off to my home, on the way home I bought Y/N noona a new mobile phone since her old one got smashed and I threw it away.

*Next day* Y/N's P.O.V

"let's go" Aunt said helping me get up, we talked to the doctor and took my medicines and left the hospital. "Y/N-ah you'll be living with us until you get fully recovered" Aunt said smiling while driving, I nodded in agreement, looks like I will be living a new life, but still I will do my best to remember the past, what was those three months like? Where did I work? Maybe...did I have a boyfriend? Nah can't be, I never had a boyfriend before, not even my first kiss.

We arrived home, as Hyuk led me upstairs to my room. He opened the door as I went in and he left, the room was perfectly arranged, newly painted blue walls, a bed with light blue and pink sheets, a dressing table and a cupboard and some small furniture stuff, it was very kind of aunt to arrange this up so quickly. I looked at myself in the mirror, 'Y/N just try hard to remember' I thought, but then I saw my neck, it had a silver necklace, "damn I have no idea when I bought this" I said to myself looking at it, if only I could remember.

Jimin's P.O.V

I messaged and called Y/N more than 100 times but she won't pick up or reply, I just hope she's okay. I got out of my car and walked to Y/N's door. I rang the door bell and knocked on the door a couple of times, but there was no answer, I got worried so I went on facebook to message her from my private account, 'huh where is her account?' I asked myself, its..its deactivated, I went on all three social media's she used but all were deleted. I got worried and started to panic, "Y/N if you're in there please open the door I wanna talk, please baby I can explain" I said ringing the doorbell, but still there was a strange silence.

I sighed and looked around when I saw the curtains opened but window's closed, I went near the window where the whole living room could be seen since the curtin was open from the inside. My heart started pounding as I saw all the furniture covered in white sheets, has she left? Where is she? My hands started to shiver as I fell on the floor, what going on? Y/N where are you?...

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