Chapter 38 ~ Together Again

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"Y/N you're perfectly fine now" the doctor said as I smiled and nodded my head. Me and aunt finished the check up as she went to pay for the check up, I took my phone out and dialed Jimin's number, within one ring he answered his phone, "hello is this Y/N?" he asked like he already knew I was going to call, "hmm Jimin it's me, could you come to the park near my house" I asked, "yes yes I will come, I'll come right now" he said in a happy and exited tone which made me smile as I ended the call. "Shall we go?" aunt asked as I agreed.

Jimin's P.O.V

After Seolhyun called I made sure my phone in my hand at all times, "Jiminie why are you staring at your phone?" Jin asked feeding me a piece of apple, "Y/N..she will call me" I said with a full mouth, "ah this kid, didn't she tell to leave her alone?" he asked, "no no hyung she will call, just wait and see" I said not glancing at him and back to the phone. 20 minutes passed but she didn't call, 'urgh am I so dumb to trust Seolhyun' I thought as I went to the living room where all the others were, "so did she call?" Jin asked, I shook my head as he sighed, but then my phone rang, an unfamiliar number but I didn't care since I don't have Y/N's new number anyway, I quickly answered as everyone's attention was on me.

"hello is this Y/N?" I asked without hesitation, "hmm Jimin it's me, could you come to the park near my house" Y/N asked her voice was like melody to my ears, how much I missed her voice, "yes yes I will come, I'll come right now" I said nodding my head like she could see, my heart was pounding as I got up quickly everyone looking at me with a questionable look, "I'll tell you guys later" I said and ran to my room and I decided to where a grey and black t-shirt a pair of blue jeans, I took my face mask and ran out the door, I heard Taehyung call me as I ran out but I ignored him and quickly got into the car and headed to the park.

Y/N's P.O.V

While we were driving back aunt kept on glancing at me, "umm...Y/N why do you look so happy?" she asked, at this point I don't really know what's wrong with me, my heart was pounding and I was so happy and bubbly, "oh nothing" I said giving her a cheeky smile, "well if your happy that all I need" she said smiling. We came to my house as I thanked aunt and waved her goodbye, I waited till her car disappeared and made a run for it to the park. As I entered I saw Jimin on sitting on the white bench as he saw me and stood up, I don't know what happened to me but I ran to him and flung my arms over his neck hugging him tight, breathing his familiar scent.

At first he looked shocked but quickly wrapped his arms around my waist hiding his face in the crook of my neck. We said nothing to each other but stayed like that, we broke the hug as I looked into his eyes, my eyes getting glossy as tears streamed down my cheeks, Jimin looked at me with concern, "I'm so sorry for not believing you, I should've let you explain, but I was too miserable" I said crying, Jimin hugged me quickly placing his chin on top of my head, "shh..don't cry, I hate it when you cry" he said stroking my hair as I cried into his chest.

"I'm sorry too, I was too scared to tell you about Seolhyun, I was too scared that you would stop loving me and leave me" he said, I felt my heart sink at his words, I looked at Jimin as he slowly bent down and kissed my lips, how much I missed his lips, I kissed back, his hand I my neck while my hands were in his hair . We sat on the bench, hands intertwined and my head on his shoulder. "Y/N..I missed you a lot" he said kissing my hand, "me too" I said.

We talked for I guess more than a hour, "if something like that ever happens again, promise me you'll tell me about it?" I said, "I will baby, I promise". But then suddenly Jimin's phone rang, "yes hyung what is it" he said, "now? okay I'll be there" ad with that he ended the call. "Y/N I-" but I cut him off, "It's okay, you can go" I said knowing he has to leave, he nodded and kissed me on the lips and ran off leaving me smiling like an idiot. As I walked back home, I couldn't think of anything but Jimin, I was so happy we cleared our misunderstandings.

Then I remembered that I didn't tell Ravi oppa, so as soon as I got home I called him, knowing he would definitely be happy for me. "hello Y/N, what's up?" "hey oppa, I have good news" "really? And what might that good news be?" he asked, "hmmm..guess" I said smiling, "okaaay, so you've grown taller?" "oppa!, urgh no wrong" "okay I give up, what is it" "me and Jimin are together again" I said, "oh, well umm..congrats" "thanks oppa" "well, Y/N I've got to go, talk to you later" "oh, okay bye" and I ended the call, he must be happy for me, he's the best friend I have ever got.

Ravi's P.O.V

I ended the call and threw my phone on the bed, I guess now Jimin must be really happy that he has Y/N back. I knew this would happen anyway, they love each other way too much. I was happy since Y/N is happy but there was this space in my heart, all of a sudden I felt lonely as if I was left out. But I will always love Y/N even if I know I won't have her, I will always protect her and make sure she'll be happy even though that's Jimin's job.

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