Chapter 12

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Jimin's P.O.V

*3 weeks later*

It's been about 4 weeks since Y/N has become my girlfriend and I couldn't be more happy, she was the reason I smiled everyday. I would never regret these past weeks with her,it's like a dream to me, a dream that could never end. I was in my room going through some of our practice video's as I got a call, I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was from Bang PD.

"Hello" I said into the phone. "hello Jimin its been quite a while isn't it? So how are you?" his familiar deep voice echoed through the phone. "ah yes it has, I've been well, thank you" "so I called to notify that you all would be able to start work at the beginning of next week, so that leads you to have 6 more days of your vacation" "ah yes I understand thank you for calling" and with that the conversation ended, I sighed when I realized I would have to leave this house and move into the dorm in another 6 days. As I was trapped in my thoughts my phone rang again, I noticed it was Jin hyung and answered it immediately. "hey Jimin" Jin said through the phone

"hey hyung long time no see" I said, Jin let out a chuckle "yeah so that's the whole point of why I called" "why is there anything that's troubling you?" "ahh babo no no, since we are starting work again, we all decided to go on a day out" "oh so you guys have already planned it without me?" "hahaha yep we have and rap monsters girlfriend will also be coming, I'm very curious to know what she's like" "yep I'm curious too". "so we will be going day after tomorrow ,I'll message you were we should meet up" Jin said, "okay" "okay then bye Jimin take care" "you too hyung", and with that said the conversation ended. I smiled and went out of the bedroom in search of Y/N.

Y/N's P.O.V

I was reading a new magazine I had bought the other day and guess who's on the front cover?, yup your right it's BTS. I was flicking through the pages and suddenly my phone rang, I took it and saw that it was from my aunt, my mother's elder sister. Gosh I haven't still seen her though it's been about a month since I came to korea, I did call her once to say that I arrived to korea and that's it. She's gonna kill me because I didn't go and visit, and I refused to give my address to her because I don't wanna bother her.

She is very kind and loving and I know that she loves me with all her heart, maybe because she doesn't have a daughter, her husband past away due to cancer about 7 years ago and she has a son 1 year younger than me, whenever I visited her when I was small she would buy me treats and clothes and tell my mother how lucky she should be to have a beautiful daughter like me and my mother would tease her saying she's the one who is spoiling me by giving whatever I ask for. I took a breath and answered the call, "hello aunty" I said "hello aunty? Is that all you have to say? Oh my dear why didn't you still come and visit me? or please give me your address I'll come and visit you" she said in a sad voice.

"I'm sorry aunt, it's that I just don't want to bother you" "bother me? my child why do you think like that? Please come and visit your aunty huh? I'll make your favorite chocolate brownies" she said, I giggled as how sweet she was to still remember that I love to eat brownies."okay okay I will, are you free tomorrow?" I asked her, "hmm yes I am, Hyuk will be at his university so I would be home anyways". "okay then I will come and drop by tomorrow" "okay love, I'll be waiting, good bye and take care of yourself" and the conversation ended. I smiled to myself as my aunt really loves me and to how sweet she is.

As I was in my thoughts two arms came and rapped around my shoulders, "hey princess, what ya doing?" Jimin asked in a cute voice. "I was reading this magazine" I said while showing him it, "whoa who's that handsome man standing in the front? Isn't he so handsome?" Jimin asked while pointing to himself, I couldn't help but laugh at his sarcasm, "really? I don't think so, I think this one looks better" I said pointing to Jungkook.

Jimin looked at me and frowned "oh well, guess everyone likes the maknae the most" he said looking away "ahh babo I was joking of course you are handsome" I said messing his hair a bit "really? Umm.. I mean, I know right?" he said looking at me and pouting his lips. I just couldn't resist looking at those lips, and never could I get enough of his kisses. Jimin noticed I was looking at his lips and smirked, he leaned in and started kissing me, of course I would never hesitate so I kissed him back, my hand running through his silky hair. We parted away to breath as Jimin starred at me, "I love you Y/N, I really do" , "me too, I love you Park Jimin".

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