Chapter 36 ~ Time

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Y/N's P.O.V

I finally finished all the unpacking and now everything was how it was, but guess my heart doesn't give up easily. I looked at the clock and the time was 7:30pm, 'urgh why is it so lonely in this house' I thought and flopped on the couch, I took out my phone and texted Ravi oppa

Me- wanna come over for some ramen?
Ravi oppa- hahaha guess someone misses me :P
Me- no..who said
Ravi oppa- I'm saying ;)
Me- so are you coming or not?
Ravi oppa- coming coming, I'll be there in 10

I was happy that ravi was coming, it's so lonely to stay alone. I guess Jimin must be very happy with Seolhyun, a drop of water landed on my hand, as I touched my cheeks..I was crying, why can't I just move on there's no use of crying like this. I heard the door bell ring as I got up and brushed my tears away, clearing my throat and plastered a smile, Ravi must be here.

I opened the door as my heart started to pound, "Ji..Jimin? what are you doing here?" I asked as he was standing there looking at me with fake love filled eyes. "Y/N I need to talk to you" he said, "well I don't have anything to talk or listen to, so it's better if you leave" I said, "no please you have to listen to me" "can you please leave, I should've never trusted you" I said, "hey Y/N" Ravi oppa said standing near Jimin, "you? What are you doing here?" Jimin asked ravi, "I was told to come by Y/N" he said looking at Jimin and then at me, I took ravi's arm and pulled him inside the house, "I think it's better if you leave" I said to jimin who looked at me with widen eyes as I shut the door in his face. As I shut the door I fell on the floor tears in my eyes, 'why am I so rude towards him' I thought as I cried, "hey don't cry" ravi said making me stand up and hugging me as I hugged back. I broke the hug as Ravi brushed my tears away, "don't cry, it doesn't suit you" he said smiling, I smiled back, "so, you're hungry?" I asked him as he nodded, "good cuz I'm hungry too" I said and dragged him to the kitchen to make some ramen.

Jimin's P.O.V

"cheer up hyung" Jungkook said tapping my back, "I just can't believe this, it's all a huge misunderstanding" I said running my hand through my hair. The members and I were in the dorm as we were all talking about Y/N, "just explain it to her" Yoongi hyung said, "I tried, but it's no use. She thinks I cheated on her and she doesn't want to listen to me either but the worst thing is she thinks i'm with Seolhyun now" I said sighing, "gosh, love is so complicated" Jin hyung said shaking his head as we all nodded.

Y/N's P.O.V

I woke up and went to the bathroom, I wish I went to work so it wouldn't be so boring to stay at home but I can't go back to big hit, seeing Jimin everyday will just make me even sadder. I think I should apply for another job, it was Saturday and quite boring so I decided to go to aunts' house later, I switched on the TV as a random channel came up, a drama, the girl was begging the boy not to go but he left her. Urgh why does sad stuff go on TV I thought as I changed the channel. I was watching a reality show when I heard the doorbell ring, I sighed and got up knowing who must be at the door, I opened the door, "I thought I told you ne-" but I stopped as it wasn't jimin but Tzuyu, Hongbin and Jisoo. "were you expecting someone else?" hongbin asked, I quickly shook my head no, "let me guess..Jimin?" Tzuyu said, I just rolled my eyes as I fully opened the door so that they could come in.

"We missed you" Tzuyu and Jisoo said at the same time hugging me, "I missed you guys too" I said, "so now are you fully recovered?" Hongbin asked, "yes, but I will have to go to the doctor again when he says to visit" I said, "don't you miss him?" Tzuyu asked, I looked at her and sighed, "just give him another cha-" but I cut her off, "If you want to talk about him just stop, I don't want to talk about him anymore" I said, and Tzuyu just nodded clearly understanding that If she continues I will just get angry.

"but what if this is a huge misunderstanding?" Hongbin asked, "you guys told me about this, so are you saying it's a misunderstanding now, I saw it for my own freaking eyes" I said getting up from the couch, "okay okay lets just stop talking about this and let's just talk about what happened all these 8 months" Jisoo said. We all agreed and talked about what happened through these 8 months or so. Well surprising news is that Hongbin and Tzuyu is finally a couple which is so cute, awe they look so cute together. Jisoo is the same, they stayed for lunch and went begging me to come back to work, but I said I'll consider about it.

It was past 4:00pm and guess what I'm doing? Yes, watching Jimin logs on Youtube. 'Urgh I have had enough' I thought and closed the laptop, just then I got a call from Ravi, "hello Y/N can are you busy?" he asked, "nope, wae?" I asked, "can you come to the park now?" "yep okay I'm on my way" I said and took my pair of converse shoes and put them on, I was wearing a t-shirt and a black knee cut trouser. I opened the door and locked closed it behind me as I walked to the park.

I arrived within 10 minutes as I saw Ravi on the swing, "oppa" I said and as he looked at me and smiled, I sat on the other swing. "oppa why did you want to see me?" I asked, "umm well I wanted to tell you something" he said acting weird, "what is it?" I asked, he looked at me like he was searching something in my eyes, "oppa is something wrong?" I asked with concern, "no, it's just..Y/N I lov-" Ravi couldn't finish his sentence as someone shouted my name, "Y/N" I heard Jimin say while walking to us, I stood up quickly, heart pounding by just hearing his voice, he grabbed my hand, "Y/N, please come with me I want to tell you something privately" he said eyeing Ravi, "no just tell it here" I said taking my hand out of him, but he took hold of my hand again dragging me away from ravi, jealousy written all over his face.

"let me go" I said trying to make him let me go, that when Ravi came into the scene, "let her go" Ravi said in a deep voice which made Jimin glare at him as both boys were glaring at each other, "no I won't" Jimin said dragging me away, suddenly Ravi chuckled evilly and grabbed me out of Jimin as I hid behind Ravi's back, "didn't she tell you to leave her alone? After breaking her heart you come again for what?" ravi asked Jimin, Jimin starred at Ravi and sighed, "fine I'll leave you alone Y/N but, I just wanted to tell you that you are just believing in a big misunderstanding and I will never love anyone else except you and if you can just give me a chance to explain myself I will always be here" he said looking at me while a tear slipped out of his eye, and he walked away out of the park.

I felt weak as if I couldn't breathe anymore, I quickly held Ravi's arm my knees feeling numb, "Y/N are you okay?" Ravi asked as I closed my eyes a bit breathing heavily, I nodded, "here, come and sit" he said taking me to the white bench, "oppa, I really want to listen to his explanation but...I already know what he's going to say, he's with Seolhyun now" I said leaning my head against his shoulder, "let's just go home for now, come on I'll walk you home" he said helping me stand up. We walked home in silence, as we came to our door I remembered that Ravi had something to say, "go in and get some rest" he said and I nodded, "but oppa didn't you have something to say?" I asked him, "nah it's okay it's not that important" he said, I looked at him but he just smiled as I nodded and went in, Ravi walking away. He's such a good friend, I don't know what I would do without him.

Jimin's P.O.V

I walked to my car and got in, where ever Y/N is that bastard is always there, I know he likes Y/N, I can say by the way he looks at her I guess she doesn't know about it. However I'm not going to disturb Y/N again, I think she'd just hate me more. now the only thing I can do is sit back and let time solve this problem.

Ravi's P.O.V

I sighed as I walked home from Y/N's house, there is no way she would love me back. Her heart is still with Jimin, and she loves him so much. I don't want to become an obstacle between them. Yes I do love Y/N and I will always be there for her, and at the same time I will just keep the fact that I love her to myself. Let time bring them back together..

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