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I made my way through the crowds of individuals who were crowding around the elevator at the CCPD; I finally got through the group when I saw Joe signaling me to come over. Moving over I could see Captain Singh was talking to someone in his office, I could barely make them out but I could see the outline. I stopped in front of Joe who looked just as exhausted as I was last night but luckily for me when I got back I literally crash and got a good night sleep.

"Hey Joe? What's going on?" I asked pointing towards Captain Singh's office as Joe glanced over to see what I meant then he locked eyes with me.

"That would be the new Forensic Scientist Singh hired awhile back." he answered those words hit me like a bullet to the chest, I remember Singh mentioned he was looking for another scientist to help me out right before my accident.

"Wait now they show up? I mean I figured he would've hired them when I was in a coma." I whispered lightly under my breath so no one else would overhear our conversation.

"I thought so...apparently they had a family situation at that time and somehow Singh understood." he exclaimed that shocked me to hear since Singh wasn't always known for being understanding.

"That's a first..." I muttered before Joe could respond Singh exited his office with the Scientist behind him and the moment he locked eyes with me I could feel a lump form in my throat.

"Ah...Mr. Allen...you're here. Great you saved me a trip to your Lab....let me introduce you to your partner, Alexandra Simms. Miss. Simms this is...." Singh started I watched her move up next to him, her icy eyes locked with mine.

"Bartholomew Allen...I've seen your work...very impressive." she answered cutting Singh off, I held out my hand and the moment she took it a small electric shock hit our skin. The hair stood up on my arm and the back of my neck, she must've noticed it too because she let go instantly.

"It's just Barry...it's a pleasure to meet you Alexandra." I smiled her eyes lowered for a second I could tell she was looking at her hand then she snapped her gaze back up to me.

"Call me Lexxy." she answered I gave her a small nod before I noticed Joe look over at the both of us confused.

"This is Detective Joe West...he will be the lead detective at the crime scenes you and Mr. Allen examine." Singh introduced she shook his hand and they both greeted one another with a small nod. I couldn't take my eyes off her; she was definitely very attractive girl but I had to keep our relationship professional. "Anyway Mr. Allen will show you the Lab...If you need anything or if Mr. Allen is driving you crazy just feel free to come talk to me. Welcome to the CCPD Miss. Simms." Singh left to his office shortly after and Lexxy and I looked eyes again.

"Well I'll leave you two...talk to you later Bar." Joe smiled I nodded turning to face Lexxy who was clutching her bag against her arm, her blonde hair was tied in a messy bun and she looked like she had a rough year by the look in her eyes.

"I guess you can follow me...the lab is upstairs." I answered she nodded we both walked shoulder to shoulder to the stairs. There was a small silence between us which was starting to make things awkward so I had to think of something to break this. "So...how do you like Central City?"

"So far I've only seen the CCPD and my apartment of course so I guess it's so far so good. I can sense that it's a lot different than Starling." she exclaimed we moved through the hallway and we entered my Lab shortly after.

"Well if you ever want to check out the city then I'd be happy to give you a tour of the most popular places." I offered seeing her face tighten for a second and then she loosed it with a small sigh.

"Maybe...let's just first get used to working together first." she smiled which I agreed with her, I led her to the empty desk that was across from mine that was never used until now. I plopped into the chair across from her as she moved stuff around on her desk placing things the way she wanted. I couldn't help but stare at her, for some reason I felt a connection with her ever since we touched hands. "Are you going to say something or you just gonna stare at me?"

"Sorry...you just look familiar that's all." I bluntly answered trying to not sound like an idiot or a stalker. Luckily she just blew it off as I turned to the files on my desk to keep my eyes busy when I noticed her stand up moving to the investigation board. I turned in my chair to see her in a trance with the current investigation before her; she pressed her fingers to her lips and then turned to look at me. "What's up?"

"How many victims do you have in this investigation? Four? Five?" she asked looking over at me, I looked at my file on the desk before turning back to her.

"Ummmm....four....why? What's up?" I wondered she bit on her lip, she turned around sped walked to her desk and began to rummage through her bag that rested on her chair. I watched her pull a file from the bag then began scanning the contents before moving back to the board.

"It looks like something I worked on back in Starling, what was the cause of death? Was anything off?" she asked I took the four files and began opening them for her to see, she was leaning over me so I could smell her perfume. Her fingers moved swiftly against the documents and glanced at the pictures, I was trying to read her mind but that wasn't an ability I possessed. "Ummmm...the cause of death was poisonous gas?"

"Yeah the coroner found this green poisonous gas that was trapped in their lungs. That wasn't the strange part though..." I started she took one more glanced of the file then glanced back onto the board again.

"The weird part would be that the poisonous gas that was found was normally used in execution chambers?" she asked I nodded agreeing, she was definitely smart because even that caught me off guard.

"What are you thinking?" I exclaimed before she could even speak she just moved over to the desk and plopped back down at her desk in silence.

"I don't know....yet." she answered I knew she knew something but the sound of my phone going off made me jump. I took my phone to see it was a text message from Cisco which I knew this couldn't come at the worse time. 'Bar...Metahuman detection at the business complex on Fifth Ave'. I texted back that I was on it when the radio went off in the room too.

"Dispatch... Be advised Reynolds and Ramirez Law Firm is on the verge of collapsing, fire and rescue forces are en route. Approximately 25 people are trapped inside, over." the voice on the police scanner announced, Reynolds and Ramirez Law firm was the same complex Cisco told me about.

"Ummmm I'm going to grab some coffee at Jitters...you need anything?" I asked standing up heading for the door, she shook her head no not taking her eyes off the files in front of her. I moved out of the room swiftly then used my speed to get away from the CCPD and head to the scene. I just hope I'm not too late. 


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