~~~~~ 15

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Snart and Rory were up to their ordinary shenanigans, robbing innocent people and using their weapons to act like Gods. I hoped that Lexxy would get here in time because I doubt that I could handle both Captain Cold and Heat Wave at the same time. The both of them saw me and I could hear them snickering at one another almost like they knew I would show up to stop them.

"Lookie here Mick...The Flash is here to stop us." Leonard snickered moving the cold gun that he stole from us last time we encountered one another and pointed it at my direction.

"You want the money? Then come it get Flash." Mick laughed firing his heat gun in my direction, I managed to zip away from the flames and with quick reaction I managed to avoid Leonard's freeze blast. My body had to move swiftly avoiding there strikes but I knew I couldn't keep doing this forever. I had to stop for a minute to catch my breath but when I did Leonard ended up behind me. His gun fired out another blast of ice which hit my one leg freezing it in place stopping me from running. Collapsing I couldn't move my leg, clutching it I watched the both of them look at me pointing their guns at me. "Tell us Flash...would you liked to freeze or be burned to death?"

"How about both, Mick?" Leonard snickered they both laughed at me and I knew I was about to suffer horribly. The sounds of electricity zipped behind me when I felt my body be gripped and ripped away from the both of them. When I blinked I saw that I was sitting near a car a couple yards away from Mick and Leonard. Glancing up I saw it was Lexxy in her suit, she saw my leg and I could see the anger fueling inside her eyes.

"Stay here...I'll handle them." She replied I didn't even get a second to say anything because she turned and ran back to that direction.


Stopping behind the two criminals as they were trying to figure out how Barry vanished with a frozen leg.

"Hey tweedledee and dum...I'm over here." I yelled both the criminals turned and they saw me standing there instead of Barry.

"Who the hell are you?" Mick asked pointing his gun in my direction as I saw the other criminal doing the same thing.

"I'm the one that is going to put you both away..." I smirked the both criminals began to laugh but with both of my hands closing I could feel my electricity filling my body. They saw the lightning bouncing off of me which worried them because I watched them prepare to fire at me. "Let's party boys." They both fired at me but I was already gone from where I stood. The one in blue began firing again every time I would appear and the other one had no idea what to do.

"Lexxy...if you can hear me...you have to get them to cross streams in order to cancel out there weapons." Cisco exclaimed in my ear piece, I knew what he meant so I skidded to a stop on the other side of them. They both turned to look at me and I stood there waiting for them to strike again.

"Is that the best you got?" I laughed seeing that they both were angry because they charged up there weapons again and were ready to fire at me again. I charged full speed at them which they fired their weapons at the same time missing me completely. Passing the both of them I could hear their weapons hitting one another because when I looked back they were both repelled backwards. Skidding to a halt I saw the both of them were unconscious, moving forward I moved the weapons away with my feet and took the handcuffs Cisco had made from my pocket. I managed to hand cuff the both of them to a pole nearby which made it impossible to escape from. "Too slow boys...maybe next time." I smirked when I heard sirens coming in our direction; I turned and sped back over to Barry who was still sitting against the car where I left him.

"Did you get them?" he asked I gave him a small nod seeing the relief in his face but he still had some pain from his leg.

"We need to get you out of here....give me your arm." I answered he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I used every ounce of strength I had to hoist Barry to his feet. Turning the opposite way I clutched Barry tightly into my grip and I used my speed to zip the both of us away from the scene. There was only one place that I knew I could help him and it wasn't S.T.A.R. Labs...it was my apartment.

it was my apartment

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