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I was running on a mock version of a treadmill that the dark haired male named Cisco Ramon built in order to test Barry's speed. Barry was standing in the other room with the red head girl woman named Caitlin and Dr. Wells monitoring my vitals and speed. At the corner of my eye I could see them talking to one another either it was about me or something involving me.

"Okay Lexxy...you can stop." Barry's voice came over the loud speaker as I began to slow up my speed until I came to a complete stop. Barry entered the room while the others were still talking amongst themselves. "Was that the fastest you can go?"

"Not the fastest but it was close enough." I answered my head got a bit light and Barry caught my arm before I fell backwards. I clutched my head with my hand in order to shake off the dizzy spell I just had. "Sorry...got dizzy all of the sudden."

"Don't worry about it...it happens to me too. It's our now hyper metabolism; we burn off calories faster than the average person which results in us needing to consume over 10,000 calories a day." Barry smiled lowering me to the treadmill so I could sit down and he plopped down next to me. He handed me what looked like a protein bar which would help only a little bit.

"10,000...well if I was the average girl I would worry about being fat but with all of the running I guess that won't happen." I chuckled taking a bite from the protein bar seeing Barry also laugh back; I couldn't help but feel a bit warm inside towards Barry. Deep down for the past six months I felt nothing but cold, angry and alone. I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw the group gather into the room. "So...? How did I do?"

"You are indeed faster than Mr. Allen. When we first tested him he is close to Mach 1 but you Miss. Simms you are over Mach 2...and your lightning is silver instead of yellow...why is that?" Dr. Wells exclaimed with the look of pure curiosity filling his eyes and I glanced over at Barry then back at Dr. Wells.

"When I was coming to Central City I was transporting a Nitrous Oxide compound to Mercury Labs when it was punctured in the crash and the contents spilt all over me. Does that answer your question?" I asked trying to keep my tone normal, there was something suspicious about him but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"I see...with Nitrous Oxide running through your veins that could definitely amplify your speed making you faster than Mr. Allen." Dr. Wells answered after a few minutes of blank conversation and hearing Cisco's babble about upgrading my suit to make it more advance Barry and I began walking out of S.T.A.R. Labs. Cisco told me he was going to add a small flashlight and a camera to my suit's emblem and make me an earpiece so I could use it to communicate with them here.

"Well that was interesting...sorry about Cisco...he gets a little over excited with the Metahumans. You are lucky you picked your name otherwise you would be called something you won't like." Barry exclaimed we stepped into the elevator that headed us back up to the entrance. We made our way out until I saw the full moon hanging over the dark sky.

"Yeah...anyway I think I'm going to call it an early night. If you need me for anything do not hesitate to call me...otherwise I'll see you tomorrow Barry." I smiled turning and speeding off to my apartment on the opposite side of town. Once I got there my eyes fell onto the many different boxes stacked around my living room. I went to the nearest box opening the flap I saw it had many photos and I took one of them into my hands feeling pain creep up my throat. My fingers traced across the image when a small chill ran down my spine almost like a cool touch was pressing against my skin. Turning my head a small bit it felt like I could see someone standing in the distance. "I can't deny it anymore...not with him...what do I do?"

"Let him in...be free....be happy." The voice behind me my stomach tightened, my heart was sinking deeper and tears started to pour from my eyes. 

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