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After we rescued Eddie he told us what Wells was planning, apparently he was building something to help him get back to his time and he was almost done making it. Wells put something on the roof so I followed Cisco up there just in case Wells was up there and I couldn't allow him to kill Cisco again. Apparently Wells planted a device up here to charge up the accelerator, we weren't sure what his plans were when it came to accelerator but Barry knew the prisoners were not safe. Barry told us that we need to send them somewhere so they don't hurt anyone else and somewhere that Wells can't hurt them. Captain Cold was the only one who could help us; he managed to decipher our identities and in order to have his help we had to erase his criminal files. Barry obeyed much to my pleas and sadly our plan to help the Metahumans failed. They either escaped or they were killed, we sat in the Cortex defeated and betrayed. Cisco was sitting at the table with his face in his hands, Caitlin was staring blankly at the monitor before her, Barry was kneeling against the wall and I was near the opposite wall. We were still in uniform as we were trying to figure out what the next step in our plan was but truthfully we got nothing. The alarm went off again catching all of us by surprise, Barry and I raced over looking at Cisco who was looking to see what was happening.

            "Guys...the Particle Accelerator is fully charged and online. Whatever Wells needed it for, it's ready." Cisco informed I tightened my hand into a fist before looking over at Barry, the look of defeat was the most dominant look on his face but I knew he wasn't going to give up.

            "Barry, Lexxy, don't even think about it." Caitlin started I could feel myself getting antsy and Barry gave me a look telling me if I was in then we needed to go.

            "Lexxy, Barr. No! You guys can't go out there." Cisco replied Barry and I didn't say a word we both just zipped out of the Cortex. We made it in front of S.T.A.R. Labs looking at Wells who was dressed as the Reverse Flash and he was smiling evilly at us. I knew only one thing; he wasn't going to get away not this time.

 I knew only one thing; he wasn't going to get away not this time

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Wells pulled his mask free from his face as he moved to the left while Lexxy and I remained still.

            "I heard your prison transfer didn't go so well...I'm so sorry." Wells smiled evilly I tightened my grip tightly into a fist and kept my eyes focused on him.

            "All part of your plan?" I asked him watching Wells's face tilt a small bit then his evil smile got bigger on his face.

            "Actually, that didn't factor into my plan at all, but I'm impressed you went to such great lengths to keep those people from harm. Ever the hero, both of you huh?" Wells asked I watched Lexxy's body stiffen by Wells response and I knew he was playing with us.

            "You hurt enough people." Lexxy reminded where Wells gave a small nod yes which meant that he agreed.

            "You both see me as the villain but if you two were to look back, look back carefully at everything I've done, every wheel I set in motion then you both would realize I have only done what I had to do. Nothing more...nothing less." Wells exclaimed I watched Lexxy take a small step forward towards him.

            "And the Particle Accelerator?"  She asked Wells snapped his gaze strictly onto her while I took a step closer to her.

            "How does that fit into your grand plan?" I added Wells turned back to look at me and now we both were ready for anything he had up his sleeves.

            "Well, why don't you both go on inside and let me show you both?" Wells offered taking a few steps towards us but we both held our ground.

"You know, we both just learned the hard way not to trust the bad guy." I replied Lexxy's jaw tightened and her whole body stiffened.

"And yet...I've shown you both time and time again that you both can't beat me. Lexxy, you may be equally fast as I am but you can't watch your back and Barry's..." Wells reminded I watched Lexxy's face hardened because I knew she would do everything she can to protect me. Before we could do anything a huge blast of fire hit the floor in front of Wells sending him backwards. I looked up seeing a man with flames in his hands landing to my left side. "Firestorm!" Then I saw two arrows hit the floor sparking and blinding Wells, Oliver landed next to Lexxy and I saw a smile perched onto her lips.

"Nice to see you Ollie..." Lexxy smiled not taking her gaze off of Wells who was now regaining his focus and he now saw there were four of us standing before him.

"You brought friends...welcome Mr. Queen." Wells chuckled Oliver looked like he traded in his leather suit for something different.

"You can't take all four of us

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"You can't take all four of us...no matter how fast you are." I yelled Wells cocked another evil smile and I knew he was ready for a fight.

"Oh I can't? This...This is gonna be fun." He smiled pulling his mask over his face, his eyes glowed red and his whole body vibrated. Lexxy and I looked at one another nodding then turned our gaze back to Wells. Ronnie was ready to go, I pulled on my mask allowing electricity to surge through my eyes, Lexxy placed on her mask and her whole vibrated with white lightning bounced off her and Oliver aimed two arrows at him. Wells charged at us and Lexxy and I took off towards him.

 Wells charged at us and Lexxy and I took off towards him

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~~The battle begins stay tuned~~

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