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Lexxy was finishing up the arch for the outside wedding while Iris was helping Caitlin apply the finishing touches of her dress. Professor Stein and Ronnie were talking, Stein offered to be the rabbi for him and I was handing Lexxy the flowers to touch up the arch. I could see the sadness in her face, I knew she wanted this so badly and I knew that this decision was going to be a lot more complicated.

"Hey..." I started touching her arm with my hand turning her around to look at me, I slinked both of my arms around her waist and she pressed her hand onto my chest. "Whatever decision I make tonight I want you to know that you will have this someday, whether it be with Dean or Me or whoever you will have it. I will make sure of it."

"I know...this just makes my decision harder..." she replied I looked at her confused, I figured she would want this decision to happen but maybe Caitlin may have given her second thoughts.

"What do you mean?" I asked she looked up at me, her fingers traced across my cheeks and I watched her bite her lip.

"Just seeing Caitlin...seeing all the friends we made because of the explosion...how it brought you to me and frankly I am starting to wonder if I even loved Dean. My whole life Barry I was a foster kid until the Simms adopted me when I 16 years old, they gave me a family only to be taken from me at 19 and then Dean was taken from me. What if going back doesn't change anything for me...what if it still happens and then I won't have you to fall on? I don't think I can handle that pain again Bar...I don't want you to change your decision because of me, I want you to do this for you but I'm not going to do this. You do what you think is right Bar and whatever it is I will support you in it." she explained I pulled her into a hug, I knew that Lexxy went through so much just to become the superhero she was today and now she was able to say she was okay but to now have a chance to change it I don't think she could go through it again.

"It's going to be okay Lexxy...I promise you that it will be." I smiled she nodded pulling me another hug and I pressed my lips to her forehead.

"Alright...we have a wedding to attend to." She answered wiping her tears from her eyes and we decided to put this on hold for Caitlin's sake. A few hours later we all stood outside waiting for Caitlin and Lexxy to come out, I saw Eddie and Iris were happy and back together. Joe was standing next to me and Cisco was smiling like he just discovered the new Star Wars movie. I was thinking that maybe Lexxy was right about not changing the past, I know that in my heart that I want to see my mother again but deep down I was starting to think that Lexxy was right, that maybe things won't change for us. This fateful decision was starting to become a lot harder and harder to figure out.


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I walked into the Cortex seeing Caitlin wearing my dress, she looked absolutely stunning in it and I think she looked better than I would in it.

"You look great Cait..." I smiled she returned with a small grin, I handed her the small bouquet of lilies and she took it from me.

"Okay...I'm ready." She laughed I took her hand into mine and began to lead her to the elevator that will lead outside.

" She laughed I took her hand into mine and began to lead her to the elevator that will lead outside

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"Alright Mrs. Raymond...let's seal the deal." I answered she chuckled and we headed outside where everyone else was. I allowed Caitlin to take her place with Ronnie while I stood next to Barry.

"If it's all right with everyone, I'd like to skip all the Hebrew...I've learned a lot about merging one's life with another, this past year. Yet, for all the incredible advancements in science we've all been party tom the mystery that brings two people together through love is still the province of magic." Professor Stein recited I slinked my hand into Lexxy's squeezing it and she returned it back. We laughed when Cisco fumbled in his pocket for the small box and hand it to Ronnie.

"I owe you a real ring..." Ronnie started as Caitlin placed the one on his ringer finger and she smiled towards him.

"I don't need one...I have everything and everyone that I could ever need right here. And if all the events of the past year have led us to this moment, it was worth it. I love you, Ronnie." Caitlin exclaimed Professor Stein ended the ceremony where Ronnie and Caitlin sealed the ceremonial with a kiss. Everyone applauded and cheered for the new happy couple.


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I saw Iris and Eddie share a small kiss and I decided to give Lexxy a small kiss. Kissing her always ignited something inside me, something that was strong and something that made me feel alive. Lexxy brought me back to life, she brought me nothing but happiness and now I had to make the decision on whether not I wanted to go back and lose everything I gained including her.

~~Ooo is Barry having second thoughts about going back? I guess we'll have to wait and see what he chooses to do. Go back and save his mother erasing everything he has done and change everyone's life or Stay with Lexxy and the team and be who he is now The Flash?~~

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