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After I left the CCPD I could feel my heart sinking deep into my stomach and I used my speed to get far away as possible. Zipping through the city I found myself at the border of Central City and Starling City. I took off through Starling until I came to a small house on the edge of the City and saw it was still police taped across the door. My hand opened the door and my body slipped into the abandoned house without anyone noticing. My feet stepped on the broken glass, my eyes glanced at the tattered wallpaper peeling from the walls and bits of the wall was cracked in the forms of a body being thrown into it. Police tape sectioned off the living room that was next to the entrance, broken glass was everywhere and furniture was scattered. Blood was stained in only one section of the carpet, my stomach tightened and I could hear the muffles of voices flowing through my ears. Scorch marks from lightning was streaked across the wood floors to the entrance of the house. My fingers touched the broken wall and the memory of my body flying into it made every nerve in my back throb. I winced my hand away the pain in my back disappeared and I stumbled backwards until my heel crushed something hard. Turning around and lifting my foot I saw it was a picture frame facing upside down. Bending down I took the frame into my grip watching the shards of glass fall from the frame and to the floor. Turning the frame over, I saw that it was a cracked image of me and Dean on our college graduation day. We wore black graduation gowns and held our diplomas into our hands. My diploma was for Forensic Science with a double major of Chemistry. His was for Mechanical Engineering with a double major of Chemistry. That was how we met, in freshman year Chemistry class with Professor Dalton. He sat next to me and it took him nearly six months to ask me out on a date when he finally did I accepted the rest was history. A small smile pushed onto my lips which made the harsh feeling in my heart feel a bit easier. A tear ran down my cheek dripping off my skin and hit his face. The moment that happen the memories of the night I met the man in yellow and the day I wanted vengeance. My other hand clutched into a fist, my skin turned red and I could hear my knuckles cracking underneath my grip.

"I will find him...I will stop him...I will avenge you." I whispered to the picture in my hand feeling my voice cracking a small bit. My cell phone rang interrupting the silence; I unclutched my hand and took it from my pocket. The screen flashed Barry's name and sighing sharply I pressed answer. "Barry...what is it?"

"Captain Cold and Heat Wave are at the Central City National Bank...I really could use your help." Barry exclaimed in one breath which told me that he was running through Central City to go after the Rogues. I remember hearing about Leonard Snart and Mick Rory they were criminals that rob for the pleasure, they were called the Rogues.

"I'm on my way." I replied hanging up my phone without another word; I took the picture from the frame and placed it into my pocket. Standing up I turned to the living room one more time closing my eyes and then sped out of the house heading back to Central City. Back to my life as Forensic Scientist Alexandra Simms...Back to my life as the Vigilante Lightning....back to him...back to the Man in Yellow.    

~~This was a filler chapter but it gave a little back story on Lexxy, more to come though so stay tuned and thanks for reading :) -DW~~

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