~~~~~ 19

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When I woke up the next morning I couldn't believe that Barry and I ended up sleeping together yesterday. He was asleep still next to me as I clutched the sheet to my body, both of our uniforms laid sprawled on my bedroom floor. I noticed that there were small singe marks; I remembered the electricity bouncing off Barry and I which could explain them. Swinging my legs off the bed I grabbed a fresh pair of undergarments from my dresser and threw them onto my body. Turning to my phone that was on top of my dresser flicking it on where I saw it was about seven in the morning, Barry and I had work at nine. Going through my closet I pulled out a short sleeve blue dress shirt from the hanger and a pair of dark washed jeans. The dress code for work was a semi professional manner; I grabbed my brush from the top of my dresser and brushed my blonde hair out. Taking a fresh hair tie from the basket I tied my hair into a tight bun and began to move to my kitchen to start up a fresh pot of coffee. Using my speed I gathered both of our uniforms I placed them neatly in my room and I noticed Barry didn't even flinch. I had so many different thoughts going through my mind; I knew that a part of me wanted to sleep with him. That electricity that surged through us both drove us both wild, I snapped free from my thoughts when I heard the coffee ding from the kitchen. I moved over taking two cups and poured the hot coffee into them. Behind me I heard a soft groan coming from Barry; I fixed up the coffee and then moved over towards my bed. Barry was slowly waking up because he looked very groggy and I could see he was trying to figure out where he was.

"Morning Barry..." I replied softly he seemed a bit startled and then I could see he noticed that he was naked underneath the blanket. I handed him the hot cup of coffee which he sat up taking it into his hands. "Look Bar...about last night..."

"Hey...don't...don't kick yourself for what happened...you didn't force me to do anything I didn't want to do. Okay? I just hope I didn't force you..." Barry answered I just locked my jaw and only flashed him a small smile shaking my head no and saw his body relax.

" Barry answered I just locked my jaw and only flashed him a small smile shaking my head no and saw his body relax

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"Hey Bar...look...last night...it was...it was great but I think maybe it's best we just keep this relationship strictly professional." I blurted out glancing up at him I could see Barry's chest tighten and his face harden a bit which told me that what I said must've stung.

"You know...I think that's a great idea. With everything we got going on right now, maybe that this partnership should be professional on both fronts." Barry answered I could only feel my chest tighten a bit almost like it hurt me to say that.

"Barry...I didn't mean it in a bad way." I replied Barry's one hand touched mine and I saw a reassuring smile press onto his face.

"I know you didn't...you are right. Just don't worry about it. Partners?" Barry started holding out his hand for me to take.

"Partners." I smiled taking his hand and shake it firmly then we released our grips on one another. Looking away for a moment my eyes focused onto the clock next to the bunch of boxes on the opposite wall seeing that it was almost time for work. "Well you may want to go home to change...your uniform is over there but your boxers are on the floor. I wasn't going to touch those..." I pointed out moving out of the room so Barry could re-change, the sounds of his speed echoed behind me and a few moments later I could see him wearing his uniform again.

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