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I raced through Central City heading back to the tunnels when I stopped in the center seeing so many ways to go and not a lot of time to search them all. Before I could ask Cisco to give me a possible location of Lexxy I heard her screams a good distance ahead of me. Zipping towards that direction I found myself at the Water Flirtation center with a dark hole below me but I saw an LED light flickering in the distance. Then another scream surge below and I knew it was Lexxy down there. Zipping down the wall I was able to make out the outline of Grodd and using my speed I slammed into him to get his attention. It worked because he dropped Lexxy's limp body to the floor and swung his fists at me, I avoided the attacks and now he charged at me. Moving away Grodd hit the wall which gave me another time to rush to Lexxy's aid to check her out.

"Lexxy? Lexxy are you okay?" I asked looking at Lexxy I could see blood soaking her face, her one arm looked contorted and she looked like she could barely move. A roar caught my attention to see Grodd charging at us both again, I scooped Lexxy's limp body into my grip and zipped us out of the way. We were behind Grodd when I propped Lexxy's limp body against the wall and I turned back to face off against Grodd on my own until Lexxy could heal.


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Watching Barry try to avoid Grodd's strikes I knew neither one of us are going to make it out of here alive. Grodd slammed his fist into the ground again I saw the ground again crack and then I had an idea.

"Barry...keep making Grodd slam onto the ground." I gasped I knew Barry had no idea what I was doing but he didn't protest. Pushing my back to the wall I forced my wobbly legs to stand while Barry got Grodd to slam his fists into the ground. I watched the ground crack more and more just enough for me to follow through with my plan. With my broken arm that I could still use I used my speed to surge into my arm. I watched my broken arm vibrate and go faster and faster until it was almost a blur. Then pushing my electricity to vibrate offs my arm and I turned to Barry who seemed to wearing Grodd down. "Barry...move!" I watched him jump away when I used the last of my strength to punch the floor in front of me. The pressure from my punch sent cracks towards the broken floor and electricity was surging through the water at Grodd. The electricity hit him electrocuting him and when he fell, he fell onto the broken floor. The floor gave way and he fell to the unknown below us then heard a loud thud. After a few seconds Grodd didn't remerge which told us either he was dead or knocked out cold but either way he was taken down. Collapsing to the ground Barry rushed back over to me catching my sore body into his grip and I was now wheezing in pain coughing up blood.

 Collapsing to the ground Barry rushed back over to me catching my sore body into his grip and I was now wheezing in pain coughing up blood

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Without any time to talk I took Lexxy's broken body into my hands and we zipped out of the tunnels leaving Grodd's fate unknown. I brought us both back to S.T.A.R. Labs and entered the Cortex to see relief in Cisco's face to know Lexxy's okay.

"Caitlin...Lexxy's hurt pretty bad...she needs your help." I answered moving to the medical bay and lowered Lexxy onto the cot. Caitlin unzipped Lexxy's jacket and lifted her black tank top I could see dark bruises around her abdomen which told me that her bones were broken.

"Lexxy...where does it hurt the most?" Caitlin asked Lexxy could barely speak because she was choking on blood and she could barely even move to point.

"My chest..." she managed to choke out in between wheezing and blood pushing through her lips. I was pacing back and forth while Caitlin was trying to help Lexxy, she couldn't give her morphine because Lexxy's speed would burn it off instantly.

"Guys...we got some internal bleeding over here." Caitlin yelled I turned to see Lexxy was gasping with blood streaming across the corner of her mouth. Her skin was looking paler and whiter than normally. "She's going to need a blood transfusion." I could see Cisco bracing his hands to his head with stress.

"What's her blood type?" Cisco yelled eyes fell onto me and we both locked eyes with each other.

"No time...Barry we need your blood." Caitlin announced moving to the cabinet to gather the tools to give blood.

"I'm not her blood type...I'll kill her." I answered turning to Lexxy who looked like she was starting to go into shock.

"You both are speedsters and have the same Dark Matter in your DNA which makes both of DNAs match. Plus your blood will help jumpstart her healing process to help heal her of her wounds." she explained I didn't think to argue with him I pulled my glove off and moved my sleeve up to expose my arm. I sat on the stool next to Lexxy because there was no time to fill bags with blood and give it to Lexxy so we had to transfer from the source. Caitlin hooked Lexxy up and my blood was surging into her and I could hear her gasp which Caitlin told me that she was going to be okay. Moving close I touched Lexxy's semi damaged hand and bent down pressing my lips to her forehead hoping she felt my presence. Wells was still out there...Eddie was probably hurt and who knew what happened to Grodd but all I knew was right now I wasn't going anywhere...not tonight.

~~Did Lexxy just do a supersonic punch without running? Wow go Lexxy~~

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~~Did Lexxy just do a supersonic punch without running? Wow go Lexxy~~

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