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I made my way down the long hallway to Lexxy's apartment, my hand was clutching the small bouquet of lilies that Felicity texted me to pick up for her and after a long phone call with her I decided that Lexxy and I needed to talk about us. Felicity wouldn't let me off the phone without promising that if Lexxy and I ever did make it as a couple to at least try to make it work. Stopping in front of her apartment door I took in a deep breath and then knocked on her door. A few seconds past and I heard Lexxy unlocked the door, when she opened it I got the surprise of my life. I got to see a new side of Lexxy; I've already seen the vigilante Lightning and Forensic Scientist Lexxy now I can see someone new. My eyes definitely did a rundown of her; she wore a black dress that rested on her mid-thigh and a pair of black flats. Her blonde hair that was normally in a bun or high ponytail was curled and laid at her shoulders.

            "Cat got your tongue Allen?" she asked laughing a small bit I shook off my staring and returned my gaze to her face

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            "Cat got your tongue Allen?" she asked laughing a small bit I shook off my staring and returned my gaze to her face.

            "You look incredible...Ummmm here these are for you." I smiled handing her the lilies which she took from my hands and I placed my hand into my pocket.

            "Let me guess...Felicity?" she asked I gave a small nod keeping my head down in embarrassment and she touched my arm to get my attention.

             "Yeah...well she said they were your favorite so..." I hinted seeing her pressing the flowers to her nose and inhale the sweet scent.

             "There beautiful Barry...why don't you come in. I just want to get these into water." She smiled I nodded moving into the room and stood off in the distance I watched Lexxy grab a vase from one of her boxes and fill it with water. My mind had so many thoughts racing through it that I could barely process what was going on right now. "Are you thinking about those bees or Wells?"

           "Both actually...but mainly about Cisco and Caitlin. Do you think that they could be involved?" I asked watching Lexxy place the vase on her dining room table and then she turned back to me.

          "Well...I barely know them but frankly I am starting to actually doubt that they are involved. I can't explain why but I'm calling it a gut feeling..." she answered I crossed my arms across my chest and took in her opinion.

          "Yeah...maybe you are right...well we should get going otherwise Felicity will never let us here the end of it." I reminded Lexxy's eyes widened almost like she knew exactly what I meant. She grabbed her small bag and followed me out of her apartment locking the door on the way out. We decided to walk to the restaurant; for one I didn't want Lexxy to have to run and mess everything she was wearing up. After a few minutes we arrived at the restaurant, Iris and Eddie were already there all we were waiting for was Ray and Felicity. Iris was commenting on Lexxy's dress while I tuned out with Eddie babbling about something. The doors opened behind us and in walked both Felicity and Ray who told us that he bought out the restaurant for the night. I pulled out Lexxy's chair out for her allowing her to sit and then I took my seat next to her. The conversations were spread between everyone around me, some conversations were about work and some were about personal stories. I couldn't really think straight which forced me to stand up and move out of the dining room to clear my head.

 I couldn't really think straight which forced me to stand up and move out of the dining room to clear my head

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I saw Barry stand up and rush out of the room; I locked eyes with Felicity giving her a small nod that we should go check on him. I placed my napkin onto the table and turned to follow Barry's trail with Felicity behind me.

            "Hey Bar? What is going on with you?" I asked Felicity moved up to the side of me, her gaze was focusing onto Barry and I could see the stress on him was reaching his boiling point.

            "I just can't get my mind to shut off about everything that is going on, everything is racing and I can't seem to focus on anything right now." Barry exclaimed I knew what he meant, with all the information that was shoved at us lately I'm surprised he didn't explode.

            "What are you two talking about?" Felicity asked I lowered my gaze away from her while Barry's gaze lifted to her.

            "Lexxy and I just discovered that Wells isn't who he says he is...that he is the one responsible for the deaths of my mother and Dean." Barry exclaimed I could see Felicity's stunned expression at the corner of my eye.

            "But...but he's been training you both..." Felicity started I nodded and Barry placed both of his hands against the back of his neck.

            "Yes we know...training us to get faster...helping us...Lexxy was suspicious of him since day one and I couldn't get past the façade he wore to convince me that he was this great guy. Not to mention now I don't even know if we can even trust Cisco or Caitlin...maybe they are in on it. Frankly the only one on the team I can really trust is Lexxy." Barry explained I lifted my gaze watching Felicity's confused expression hit her face, I felt a bit honored to hear that out of everyone Barry worked with that he trusted me.

         "I already told Barry that I doubted that Caitlin and Cisco were involved but he's right...we can't be too sure." I answered before Felicity could say anything the curtain behind her moved and I saw Ray move into the room.

        "Is everything okay?" he asked before any of us could reply Barry's phone and mine started to beep with the police scanner Cisco tapped into our phones. Barry looked at the phone and I watched his expression change.

            "It's those bees again." Barry replied we both looked at Felicity and Ray who was behind her.

            "Go..." she answered I nodded Barry and I sped out of the restaurant leaving the trails of our yellow and silverish white lightning behind us.

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