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I told Lexxy to meet me at S.T.A.R. Labs after Cisco managed to discover a way to capture the Man in Yellow. A few minutes later Lexxy arrived sending a brisk of wind into the Cortex and moved up next to me.

"What's going on?" She asked taking in a quick deep breath and I saw her clutching her bag on her arm which I knew was holding her uniform.

"The Man in Yellow attacked Mercury Labs last night while we were busy with the Rogues...he stole something." I exclaimed to her while I saw her hand tightened into a small fist which gave away that she was angry.

"He was after a tachyonic prototype..." Joe added to the conversation, Cisco was rapidly typing on his keyboard and his eyes were focus on the screen before him.

"A tachyonic prototype?" Lexxy mumbled she moved past me to the nearby computer that was next to Cisco, I watched her fingers sped type onto the computer until I saw a 3D model of the prototype. "Was this it?"

"That's it...how did you..?" Joe asked Lexxy didn't say a word but her expression told me that she knew what it was.

"That doesn't matter...we can't let him get the device." Lexxy replied crossing her arms across her chest and leaned against the chair near Cisco.

"We won't...Cisco here has built a trap that we will use to get the Man in Yellow...Cisco..." I answered we all turned our focus to him and he cracked his fingers to stretch them out from his furious typing.

"Okay...I managed to create a sphere that will manage to contain the Man in Yellow once he tries to go for the device. We just need to get it..." Cisco started moving back onto the computer and my eyes fell onto Lexxy who sighed sharply.

"I can get it...just let me know when you are finished building the trap." Lexxy answered moving out of the room, Joe and I locked eyes which told me that I should go with her. Moving swiftly behind her I managed to catch her in the elevator and I could see she had no idea why I was here. "What are you doing?"

"I'm coming with you...and I'm not taking no for an answer." I exclaimed seeing Lexxy not saying another word as we headed to Mercury Labs.


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We got to Mercury Labs without a word or any questions from Barry, moving into the building I could see at the corner of my eye Barry glance at everything around him with amazement. He looked like a little kid in the candy store; I shook my head and stopped once we got to the receptionist office.

"May I help you?" the woman asked, she wore a plain sweater to match the plain skirt that sat on the top of her knees.

"Yes...we are here to talk with Dr. Tina McGee...I called ahead." I started clearing my throat hoping to stop Barry from acting like a child. The moment I heard him cough slightly and readjusted himself to act proper.

"Your names please?" the woman questioned typing her fingers against the computer probably looking me up.

"Alexandra Simms and Barry Allen." I replied the woman typed a bit more and then her expression lightened up a small bit.

"Okay...Dr. McGee is in her Lab which is upstairs on the 14th floor. Her office is also on that floor, you both may wait for her there." The receptionist answered nodding I pulled Barry's arm with me as we headed to the elevators. We entered alone and there was a long silence between us and I knew Barry was itching to say something.

"Dean made the prototype didn't he? That's why and how you are able to get access to the device." Barry asked my whole body stiffened a small bit and I just clutched my arms with my grip.

"He designed the prototype...he just...he never got the chance to build it. I gave Dr. McGee the plans so she could continue Dean's work so technically I still have access to it." I answered my eyes stared at the slowly moving light as it passed by floors extremely slow.

"So what does the device do?" Barry asked I closed my eyes hearing Dean's voice in my ears, his voice telling me what the device was and what it could do.

"According to Dean...it's some sort of amplifier. If the Man in Yellow wants it then it's not good." I answered looking at Barry hoping that my expression would tell him that what will happen if the Man in Yellow got the device. If he got that device, then not only Barry and I will be screwed but the rest of the world too.  

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